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Additional Activities

Additional Activities!


Here are a few activities that I have complied to share with you, as ideas for you to fill your lockdown days!

Time Capsule Booklet

National Trust Activities

Dyson Engineering and Science Challenges!

Children's Classic Book Challenge

Children's Book Challenge! How many can you name?!

National Trust - Things to do before you are 11 and 3/4 (please make sure you are following Government Guidelines for the current situation!)

Computer Coding


Learn to Code over the Easter Break! Follow the links below to Hour of Code (mini activities to learn to code in an hour!) and Scratch! Make a free account on Scratch and the children can create activities through code! (They have used this before with Josh the ICT man!)

30 Day Lego Challenge

Have an Alphabet Scavenger Hunt! Can you find something in your house for every letter of the alphabet?

Colouring Pages

Minibeast Hunt! Can you find them all in your garden?

Act Fast Challenge - A 5 day Family First Aid Course


These are being published for FREE on their YouTube channel from Monday 30th March. Day 1 is attached below, and it will direct you to the next days as you complete. 

Learn a new skill!


Why not try and learn a new skill over the Easter Holidays?


Below is a YouTube channel to learn British Sign Language! Send me some clips of how you get on!
