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This week the children have been looking at information books about bees. They then looked at a ripping technique to create 'Bee' collages, using different materials. The children had great fun and created some wonderful pieces of art. 
This week the children have been looking at collage using gravel stones. They had an image of a snail that they used as a guide to support creating their snail collage. The children did a fantastic job and had fun whilst doing it!
Our topic this term is Minibeasts. The children had great fun in setting up a Minibeasts woodlands in the role play area. The children worked together to draw and paint leaves, draw and colour Minibeasts using our plastic Minibeasts toys to copy and finally painting a tree trunk. The children have done a fantastic job.

Today the children observed a range of Common vegetables.They had to think about and discuss colour, shape, similarities and differences and then make a model of a vegetable using salt dough.
