Home Page

Home Learning

Get Your 60 minutes a day exercise!

Here is your May-hem Challenge sheet to print off

Key Stage 1 Virtual Football Competition

Happiness Calendar

Open the document below to see a full sized version of the Happiness Calendar for May.  Sorry it's a bit late but as the quote says 'start where  you are' or you could try to fit more than one in a day smiley


iSing Pop Show

Further websites for fun, learning or support

Support for Parents

Below are some documents that were passed on by our academy trust LAAT to help support parents in these difficult times.



Welcome to Oak’s Home Learning Page


I will be using this page to set activities for the children to complete at home.  I will be putting different activities on at start of each week.   Some subjects may change, but there will always be some mathematics, English and a reading activity.


Every child has been sent home with an exercise book and Power Maths Practice books, please use these to complete the tasks set.


If you have any problems with homework, or need additional support please contact me on the email below between 9-11am on weekdays and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Please encourage your child to read daily.  An email will be sent shortly with details of how to access the Epic reading site.


Remember times tables!

See below for the link to TT Rockstars. It can only be used on an internet browser, we do not have access to the app with our subscription. 

TTRockstars have lots of different games and activities all linked to times tables, and I have matched these to the children's abilities.  If they need updating and your child wants to try a different table, please let me know. 


Please send images, videos or work completed by the children via email, Class Dojo or the new class blog page (a message will be sent with log in details soon so I can keep up to date with all your learning experiences!


Looking forward to hearing from you!


Mrs Addison  smiley


Get Active!


Follow this link to access some Home Physical Activity packs! Simply print them off, have a go at some of the tasks, and don't forget to tweet us a video of what you've been up to!
