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Week 9 beginning 8th June

Wriggle and Crawl

Week 2

Well Being Resources

As the school closure continues we are receiving more and more advice and resources about maintaining good mental health and well being.  I have made a subpage this week with some of the new resources I have received this week.  The NHS Sheffield resources came from the link below and there is a video about why people look different in hosptitals too (which I hope you won't need to view).

Please click the icon below to find many helpful resources and some stories to share too.



English Activity - Instructions

This week's English activity is to write a set of instructions linked to the topic of minibeasts.

There are different types of instruction you could write and I have put some examples below.


You may want to write about 'how to be a minibeast' and choose a minibeast you know about or have found out about and write a set of instructions about what they need to do to; see below 'how to be an earthworm and a dragonfly'.  There are also some blank lined papers to write on attached below the instructions.


You may want to write about 'how to care' for a minibeast.  See the example 'how to care for a garden snail' below.


Or, you may want to write a set of instructions about how to make an indoor habitat for a minibeast.  There are two sets of instructions below about 'how to make an ant farm' and 'how to make a wormery' which you could look at for ideas.   You may even want to try one of these out!


Remember, instructions need to be in order, perferably numbered, and they need to be 'bossy' (imperative), clear and often include a 'you will need' list and 'tips and advice' too.


If you really don't want to write about a minibeast using the ideas above, you may consider writing a different set of instructions, for example: how to build a lego minibeast,  how to catch a minibeast, how to make a minibeast model, or how to 'draw a minibeast'.   Other ideas are welcome to be used too! 


Remember there are links to minibeast sites on the Week 8 page.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar

This week's activity is a Billy Blunder. 

Billy has written some instructions about how to wash your hands.

He has made some blunders again and would like you to be the teacher and correct them.

Are there any blunders Mrs Addison has missed off the list? surprise  Have a check!  Last time some of you spotted some extras. cool

Reading Activities

More choices again this week. 

There is a short text about a snail at a Year 2 reading level.

For the Year 3 reading level I have put a story about the Trojan Horse, remembering the topic we did before about Ancient Greeks.

There is also the ususal choice of 3 differentiated texts, again on the theme of animals and habitats.  This week it's about garden birds.

Beetle Drive - a fun game

Play the classic game of Beetle Drive.

See the document below for instructions - have fun!

Story Book - I'm Amelia Rate


Amelia Rate is only eight, but she knows how to stamp her foot alright! When she loses her brooch, an old beetle called Mylor, gets all his insect friends to help her find it.


This is a lovely book for reading together with an adult (or independently). 

It introduces the importance of bugs through important lessons for a young child.


Science - Which food is favourite?

Investigate which fruits butterflies perfer to eat.

Make a range of butterfly foods using ripe fruit mixed with water and sugar.

Good fruits to use include peaches, bananas, strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, pears or melon.

Mash the fruit with half a cup of water and add sugar or syrup.

Place the fruit in a shallow bowl in a sunny area that butterflies may typically visit.

Watch the bowls and record any butterflies or other minibeasts that visit.

You could make a tally chart to show your results.

You could take it in turns with other family members to watch, or watch for short periods throughout the day.

Alternatively, you may want to put fruit into a bird feeder as in the pictures above.

Find out what other insects visit, but be careful of wasps or other stinging insects.

You may need to rescue some insects if they get stuck!

Science Thought


Discuss what might be a Plus (good/thumbs up) , Minus (not good/thumbs down) and Interesting (maybe/hands waver) way to think about the question.

Stuck for ideas? They could think about:

  • How would you produce enough of them to eat?
  • How would you prepare them?
  • Would you like eating them?

2. Share ideas, remember there is no wrong or right answer!


Background science

We need protein in our diets and much of that protein comes from eating animals and products from animals. But as the world's population increases, it will be harder to provide enough protein for everyone if we continue to rely on animal products for most of it, so we need to consider other sources of protein. 

Insects are eaten in many cultures, considered a delicacy and are part of the everyday diet. Did you know that for the same mass, insects provide much more protein than red meat? 


Maths Activities 

Options for maths again this week.

If you have the Power Maths practice books at home then please do the units below depending on which year group you have.  

Remember you can access the power maths text books online using the links below in order to introduce each activity.   (You may need to agree to the terms and conditions again)


Year 2 - Spring Text Book C - Unit 12 - Problem solving and efficient methods - Lessons 1-5

Year 3 - Spring Text Book C - Unit 10 - Fractions - Lessons 6 - 9 then End of Unit test (see word document below)


Also available on the links are the Summer Maths Home Edition versions of Power Maths with different units each week.  The online resource includes the introduction slides and the pupil practice questions.  I have again prepared the questions on word documents below for ease of use.


Year 2 Summer Maths Home Edition - Week 4 - multiplication and division continued

Year 3 Summer Maths Home Edition - Week 4 - fractions continued


Link to Year 2 Resources  


Link to Year 3 Resources


Also, more Education City maths to choose from as well!


Due to the change in weather, which hopefully won't last too long (although the plants do welcome the rain), I have included an activity that involves looking out the window.

Please see the document below and choose how you would like to do the activities suggested.

Computing - Online Safety Activities

Below are links to the Think You Know online safety packs.  Each pack contains two, 15 minute activities for you to do with your child to support staying safe online.  There are different packs for different age groups.


And finally, some spider fun!! 


Below is a guide to common spiders, an spectacular spider fact sheet and also a colouring sheet for the ladybird spider (pictured above).  Isn't it beautiful?! smiley


Spiders are in many ways the most exciting creatures on earth.

There are about 650 different species of spider in the UK ranging from the tiny money spider the Minute maro (Maro minutus) to the huge Cardinal spider (Tegenaria parietina) with a leg span of more than 10 centimetres.

The heaviest spider in Britain is probably the Four-spot orbweaver (Araneus quadratus) which weighs up to 2.5 grams!


Remember that spiders are amazing animals that play an important ecological and environmental role…without them there would be more flies in your house.


“Spiders are in many ways the most exciting creatures on earth. Right here in the UK we have spiders that’ll dive underwater to catch tadpoles and even small fish, spiders that tend their young in little creches made from silken tents, little wolves that carry their spiderlings around on their backs, even cute jumping spiders that’ll bounce around like they’re on pogo sticks – and will even show off to you if they think you’re a rival! What spiders are NOT is dangerous – I’d love a chance to convince every kid out there that spiders are wonderful before they grow up and inherit their parent’s fears!!!”
~ Steve Backshall
