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Week 13 Beginning 6th July

This Week's Extra Activity

Re-use, Repair, Recycle Competition

Use the link below to find out about this competition run by National Geographic Kids. 

Images and further information also on the subpage link below.

English Activity - write a minibeast riddle

This week's writing task is to produce a riddle about a minibeast.  The trick about writing a riddle is not to give too much away at the start.

Use the power point below to get an idea of what to put in your riddle, the different punctuation and layout features, as well as an example of a riddle.

Then use the blocking riddle sheet to plan your notes and ideas.

Finally, write a neat copy using the special paper below or your home learning exercise book.

If you post your riddle, I will try to guess which minibeast it is about and send my answer to you through Classroom Dojo. laugh

Reading Activities

This week there are three different levels of reading comprehension all about the beautiful animal - the fox.  Are you as sly as a fox?  Make sure you pick the right level for you, but also try to challenge yourself!


Remember the links on Week 12 too - Julia Donaldson's story time and the Kids National Geographic Magazine if you didn't check them out last week.

3 different level Fox comprehensions, with answers.


This week there are the Power Maths activities, the Summer Home Edition activities and some other options as well. 


The following website has lots of videos and maths activities to support different topics, including fractions for Year 3 and length and mass for Year 2.  Well worth a look!   


If you have the Power Maths practice books at home then please do the units below depending on which year group you have.  

Remember you can access the power maths text books online using the links below in order to introduce each activity.   (You may need to agree to the terms and conditions again)


Year 2 - Spring Text Book C - Unit 14 - Measuring temperature  - Lessons 9 and 10

Please look in the your child's pupil books to find any lessons that have not been completed.


Year 3 - Please look in your child's pupil books A, B or C to find any lessons that have not been completed. 


Remember the text books for B and C are on the link below.  Alternatively there is the Summer Home Edition lessons, see below.


Also available on the links are the Summer Maths Home Edition versions of Power Maths with different units each week.  The online resource includes the introduction slides and the pupil practice questions.  I have again prepared the questions on word documents below for ease of use.


Year 2 Summer Maths Home Edition - Week 8 - Weight, volume and temperature

Year 3 Summer Maths Home Edition - Week 8 - Angles and properties of shapes continued, time.


Link to Year 2 Resources  


Link to Year 3 Resources

Science - Life cycles /  Adults and Babies


First some facts for you:

Woodlice lay eggs, which they keep in a brood pouch under their body. The eggs hatch in the brood pouch and the pale, tiny woodlice stay there until they have moulted several times and are better equipped to survive. Some woodlice species stay close to their babies until they reach adulthood.


Minibeasts that have evolved to go through complete metamorphosis, such as butterflies and ladybirds, have a significant survival advantage, because adults and larvae are so different, they have different predators and do not compete for the same food.


Activity 1.

Match pictures of baby and adult minibeasts, including ladybirds, worms, earwigs, moths, woodlice and spiders using the picture cards below.  Draw your own matching table using the blank document 'Matching adults and babies' below then check your answers using the answer sheet.

Do the babies look like their parents?


Activity 2.

Find out more about the life cycle of your favourite minibeast.

Why do minibeasts have such different life cycles?

Complete the butterfly life cycle activity below.


PSHE - Money Sense

Understanding how our money system works with coins and notes for specific values is still very important, despite the extensive use of cards and other electronic ways to pay in the modern world.

Below is a set of resources by the Nat West to support children to learn the value of money. 

This first set is about identifying the different coins and notes along with an extension activity of designing their own bank note.

There is a guide to begin with, a power point with a quiz on and then 2 explanation posters and an activity sheet.

You may also want to have a selection of money, toy or real, to support further discussions and practise counting.   One of the key thing children find difficult to understand is that there is no 'coin' for 3p or 7p and that amounts need to be made using the coins in the system.

Keep Counting!
