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Summer Term 2 - ID


Who do you think you are?


During this final half term of the year, we’re going to find out what makes us the people we are. We’ll meet a mysterious man and consider what traits and features give us our identity. Thinking about what makes us unique, we’ll write stories in which we have a new identity. We’ll learn about branching databases and how to create a classification system. Then, we’ll gather data about physical features, make spreadsheets and look for patterns. We’ll take part in physical activities that challenge us and measure the outcomes. While comparing photographs of ourselves with those of our relatives, we’ll decide if we share any features. We’ll create adverts and write fantasy stories. After investigating fingerprints and genetic characteristics, we’ll create 3-D models and design clothing that reflects our personality.

At the end of the project, we’ll think about factors that influence our personalities and bring in objects that mean a lot to us. We’ll share what we have learned about our identities and reflect on our strengths.

Summer Term 1- Sow, Grow and Farm

In the Sow, Grow and Farm project, we will learn about allotments in the United Kingdom and how the government encouraged people to have them to support food rationing during the Second World War.


We will learn about food webs and animal life cycles, including how living things are dependent on one another within a habitat.


In science we will investigate the different ways that plants reproduce and will dissect flowering plants to identify the different structures.


In geography we will have the opportunity to learn about farming in the United Kingdom and the techniques used in modern farming, including the challenges that farmers face. We will learn about the benefits of eating seasonally and about the pros and cons of importing food. We will find out about world farming and how the different climate zones affect where different foods can be grown.

Science- Lifecycles - Pine Class' Caterpillars

This term, as part of our learning on life cycles in science Pine Class will be watching the Lifecycle of a caterpillar.


Day 1 (15.4.21)

The caterpillars have arrived! We have received 5 caterpillars each measuring approximately 1 cm.





Day 2- 3 (16-17th April)

The caterpillars are moving around a bit more today. One has climbed to the top of the pot. They don't seem to have got much longer but some are looking thicker. I can see how much food they have eaten by looking at thhe holes in the substance at the bottom of the pot.



Day 4  18.4.21

Today the caterpillars were up early exploring their container. They now measure  around 2cm long and they are much more active and adventurous. 
I can now see stripes on them too!


Next week it is your turn to do the daily observations.

Day 7


Day 8 

Day 9

Days 10 and 11

Look how we've changed! 

  • We have started to shed our skins.
  • One of us spent the whole day yesterday at the top of the pot.
  • We are changing colour 
  • We now measure around 4 cm in length
  • We are spinning lots of webs around are home


Day 12



Day 13


Today the caterpillare have grown even more and are moving around more quickly.

Day 14 and 15


The caterpillars now have white spikes and greenish- white stripes. There is a lot of poo in the pot and it looks like they have shed the skin on their heads. The food is disappearing and they have strated to crawl to the top more often and stay there for longer periods of time.


Day 16

Not long to go now until the next stage in the caterpillars development. Over the weekend I'm hoping that they will turn into chrysalides. Keep looking on this page to see what happens.


Today's observations:

The caterpillars are now 0.4cm wide, 5cm long and very hairy.

They are getting spikey and have eaten most of the peanut butter in the pot. 


I have noticed that the front 3 sets of legs are now black, while the rest are a light green or brown colour.

RELEASE DAY! 18.5.21


Today it was time to say goodbye t our ainted Lady butterflis. Pine Class have really enjoyed having out little visitors in class and following them through their lifecylce, observing their changes and metamorphosis. 


You can view a film of their release on the Video sharing platform.

Spring Term 2- A Child's War

This term we will be learning all about World War II and how the war affected the lives of children and their families.


‘A siren sounds and a Spitfire zooms overhead! It’s 1939 and Britain is at war.’


This half term, we’ll imagine what it was like to be evacuated and live with a family other than our own. Using different source materials, we’ll learn about evacuation and write letters to our families ‘back home’. We’ll plot the Second World War’s events on a timeline and learn about rationing, Pearl Harbour and the Battle of Britain.


From a range of maps, we’ll identify safe and dangerous places during the war and make persuasive posters to support the war effort. We will find out about a young girl by reading an extract from The Diary of Anne Frank.


From a range of sources, we’ll find out about children and school during the war and learn about discrimination that existed at the time. We’ll learn about what it was like during the Blitz and think about how soldiers might have felt. In D&T, we’ll make Anderson shelters and hopefully cook delicious wartime food.


At the end of our journey, we’ll reflect on Winston Churchill’s stirring speeches, listen to wartime songs and create a presentation to show what we have learned.

Spring Term 1- Stargazers

Journey through space, the final frontier. Navigate beyond the Sun, the magnificent, blazing star at the centre of our Solar System. Investigate the eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Take a look at the Moon, a celestial body that orbits Earth. Programme a rover to traverse a lunar landscape and work scientifically to investigate gravity, and what happens when there is none. Compare the times of day at different places on the Earth and use GPS satellite navigation systems to track hidden treasure. Get in a spin making simple models of the Solar System and listen to the haunting sounds of space themed songs. Then it’s 3, 2, 1, blast off. Build and launch a rocket for an important test mission. Exploring space is probably the greatest adventure that humankind has ever undertaken. Are we alone? Or are there other life forms out there?

Autumn Term 2 - Misty Mountain, Winding River

In this project, we will learn about the characteristics and physical processes of rivers, including how they shape the landscape over time, their significance around the world and the impact of flooding.

We will learn how to use the eight points of a compass, four and six-figure grid references, symbols and a key to locate and plot geographical places and features on a map, as well as how contour lines are used to show the topography of an area.


In English we will be writing explanation texts about the stages of the water cycle and reports about mountains and their different formations, studying mountain ranges in the United Kingdom and around the world.


In Science we will also learn about habitats and how human and natural influences can have an impact on the environment.

Autumn Term 1- Playlist

What genre of music do you like best-Rock, Pop, Jazz or Classical?

What instruments do you enjoy listening to the most?

How do different pieces of music make you feel?



Please click on the Playlist icon below to see what we have been learning.

Helping your child at home

Below you will find some links to helpful websites and resources to help your child learn at home, whether you are choosing to do a little extra to support their learning, or to support them if your family is isolating.


I hope you find them helpful.


Studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big difference to children’s educational performance. Here’s how you can get your child off to a great start.

Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.


Below you can find some suggested reading lists for year 5 and 6. There are a wide range of interests catered for so I'm sure that you will find something that your child will enjoy reading.


On the parent tab of the homepage, click on Support for Learning, at the bottom of the page you will find a star icon with the label maths. On this page you can find lots of video clips to show you different methods we use to teach the four operations in mathematics and also what vocabulary is appropriate for each year group.


Sometimes the children will bring home work that has unfamiliar vocabulary. Below is a guide to terms we learn in SPAG with a definition.
