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Week 4

Week 4

Firstly this week, I just wanted to share the link below for online access to National Geographic Kids magazine.  Also, I wanted to share the celebration from Epic reading - Oak have read 50 books!  Fantastic!


Home Learning Week 4

This week's Land Ahoy topic is all about pirates.

Ahoy me landlubber hearties!



Pirate Puppet Interview Activity

Make a pirate puppet (see below for ideas).

What would you ask a pirate?

Think of and write down some questions, making sure they are relevant.

Interview the pirate to find out who they are, where they are from, where they have been, what their ship is called and what they do in their daily life.

Your parent or someone at home could pretend to be a pirate, or you could be the pirate and answer the questions.

You may want to use some of the ‘pirate talk’ words from the document below.

Shiver me timbers! Lets learn some pirate words!

Alternative English Activity

Real Pirates Activity

Look at a range of pictures of real pirates from the past, female ones too.  (Twinkl power point, Cornerstones information and pictures above)

What can you see? Are there any clues that you can spot in the picture about who the pirate is and what his or her life is like?

Pick one (or more) and jot down your ideas, giving their pirate a suitable name and building up a picture of their pirate’s character.

Write a description about your pirate using your jottings. Include details such as what their pirate looks like, says, does, likes and dislikes.

Billy Blunder - Sailor Song - spot the mistakes

Pirate Activities

Below are a range of activities linked to pirates.


Make a pirate hat - more paper folding after the popular boat making activity last week.

Some links below and some instructions to follow.      very simple, but small pirate hat using A4 paper     larger, newspaper pirate hat

Maths and Computing

Treasure maps

Look at the treasure maps below or research your own.  Try to identify a range of human (man made) and physical (naturally occurring) features.

Make an imaginary treasure map, adding lots of exciting features and giving them pirate themed names. Include a compass for describing locations and create a simple key.

Where is the best place to hide treasure?

Think about the different elements they could include on their map. Features might include forests, sandy beaches, quicksand, a cave, lake, swamp and a mountain range.

Draw lines over your map to make coordinates and write clues to find your treasure. (for example in the KS2 examples Twinkl)

Education City - Computing - treasure map activities

Education City has three activities in thier computing section to support giving instructions, algorithms and creating programs.  (Individual log ins were sent in an email, any problems please message me through class Dojo or email)


Here is some information for parents about these games:

Sea drive 1 notes:

Activity Overview

The activity introduces algorithms as a set of instructions and shows how algorithms are used by a computer to create a program to carry out a specific task.

Learning Objectives

Understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions.


In the tutorial, the twins are trying to find a route to the treasure. The term 'algorithm' is introduced and defined as a set of instructions. The students are then shown how the algorithm is turned into a program by using terminology which the computer will understand. The program is entered into the computer and the ship uses this to successfully navigate to the treasure.


Sea Drive 2 notes

Activity Overview

Students need to read a program and identify the corresponding the instruction to successfully navigate the ship to the treasure.

Learning Objectives

Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts


Meg and Chip are playing pirates to find the treasure. The computer on the ship is broken, so the twins decide to program the ship's computer to navigate to the treasure. The programming language is explained to students, for example, FD 2 is the instruction for ‘move 2 spaces forward’.


Sea Drive 3 notes

Activity Overview

In this activity, students need to select which is the correct algorithm to lead the ship to the treasure.

Learning Objectives

Understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions


In the tutorial, the user is introduced to the concept of an algorithm as a set of instructions. It is then explained that this algorithm is converted into a program for the computer to navigate the ship to the treasure. The twins aim to identify the most efficient route, by finding the quickest route possible to the treasure. The instructional language of the algorithm is then explained to the students, to ensure they understand the terminology which is used in the main activity.

Reading Activities

Here are some pirate related reading activities from Twinkl, a really useful (and currently free) website.

There are three different levels of reading to choose from, but please be aware the answers are also there!

I have also added a short reading comprehension text called 'The man whose mother was a pirate' 

Science - some pirate linked science activities

Year 3 Science 

Read and research all about the human digestive system.

Remember to look at the Sycamore class page for more science.   all about digestion   all about teeth   all about what happens in the mouth  all about what happens in the stomach  all about the intestines

Maths – telling the time

(please see week 3 to start learning about telling the time if you haven't already)


Power Maths lessons below, click on calculator links, however, a reminder, there are some great, fun telling the time activities on Education City (details sent in an email) under the Maths, Measurement for both Year 2 and Year 3, some of which are tablet friendly too, as well as some Learn Screens to help explain.  



Please don’t forget Year 2s have their weekly workout books too.

RE Activity - Hanukkah - design a menorah activity 

Before school closed, Oak pupils had begun learning about different aspects of the Jewish faith. Below are some questions the children would have been finding the answers to when learning about the festival of Hanukkah, along with a power point about the festival and a link to follow.  


ï‚· What is the story of Hanukkah?  - power point

ï‚· Who were the Maccabees and why are the important in this story?

ï‚· Why was it such a problem that there was not enough oil in the Temple? What did the light symbolise?

ï‚· What do Jewish people do during Hanukkah?

ï‚· How does this festival connect with Jewish beliefs about God?

ï‚· How does this festival connect with Jewish beliefs about being God’s chosen/special people?  (BBC Teach – the story of Hanukkah)


Using the pictures of children's menorahs below to inspire you, design and draw or build your own menorah.
