Summer Term 2
This term we will be learning more about the food we grow and eat, by looking at seasonality of produce in the United Kingdom.
We will find out about balanced diets, sustainability and the importance of eating protein.
Spring Term 2- Textiles
This term we will be learning about textiles and designing and making our own drawstring bags.
In this unit we will learn how :
Week 1 - Week beginning 21.2.22
Can I investigate and analyse items made using textiles?
This week we learned about different textiles focusing on how cotton fabric is made from cotton lint, taken from a plant.
We then continued to talk about how garments are made from a series of 2D pattern pieces and looked at different ways of joining these such as a variety of stitches, zips, poppers, buttons and velcro.
The children were then asked to look at images of different garments designed for different purposes and look at the properties of the textiles used.
Here is some of our work.
Week 2
This week in DT we looked at a variety of stitches used in the fashion industry, using machine sewing.
We then looked at hand sewing and learned how to sew straight stitch, backstitch and whip stitch.
Here are some examples of our sewing samples.
This term in Design Technology our focus is structures, which links with the children's science work on materials.
In our first lesson we looked at what made a free-standing structure by investigating existing items. We also had a practical activity where we investigated existing marble mazes to see what made them work well and problems we would need to overcome when we were designing.
Lesson 2
In our second lesson we then started looking at different joining techniques, discussing which we the most sturdy and which looked most pleasing. Here are some of our first attempts at making marble maze bridges.
Building Big!
This week while some of Pine have been away on a residential trip, we decided to build big and try to build an epic Marble Run.
Here are some photographs of us creating our own individual parts of the run, before we put them together.
As with any design projetc we had to overcome many problems with our designs and are still working on making all of the elements work together.
The Marble Run!
We finally did it! It took a long time to iron out issues with each of the sections, but we finally got our marble from Start to Finish!
Bridges and Towers
This week in DT we have been looking at a STEM lesson on building the tallest towers and longest bridges, using nothing but an A4 sheet of card and scissors.
We worked in teams using our prior knowledge of structures from building our marble runs.
Below are some of our ideas.
We found out that using strengthening techniques such as folding, corrugating, triangular and box shapes worked best.