Term 6 Holes by Louis Sacher
To end the year we will be reading one of my favourite stories 'Holes' by Louis Sacher. The narrative has many twists and turns and follows the lives of Stanley Yelnats, who is down on his luck.
Term 5 Liar and Spy by Rebecca Stead
This term we will be reading Liar and Spy, a detective story about Safer (who runs a spy club) and Georges his new recruit.
The story will help us plan our own crime narratives later in the term.
Term 4 The Railway Children by E. Nesbit
This term we will be reading the classic Novel 'The Railway Children' by E Nesbit.
In the story:
'Father has disappeared, and Mother won't say where he's been taken or why. Can Roberta, Peter and Phyllis get him back?'
Term 3 Class Reader -War Horse
This term we will be reading War Horse by Michael Morpurgo, as our class story and as our focus for Whole Class Reading Sessions.
Week 1 : 4.1.22
This week we will be reading the blurb and looking at the front cover of the book for clues. After this we will read the Author's Note and chapter 1 to learn about the setting of the story and look in detail at whose point of view it is written from.
Term 2 Class Reader
This term we are learning all about the ancient Mayans in History, so to help us find out a bit more about their culture I have decided to read Middleworld, a story set in modern day America and ancient Mesoamerica.
We will be delving deeper into the text each week during our Whole Class Reading sessions, exploring new, complex vocabulary, learning a range of skills involving: inference, retrieval, predicting and summarising and sharing a love of reading.