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Real life Digestive Organs! 


We had a look at some real life digestive organs today! We saw the oesophagus, liver, heart and lungs of some larger animals and then the intestines and stomach of a small bird. We were amazed at how large different parts were and how it was all connected! We had some fantastic questions as well as some great ideas for our fantasy narratives we're writing next week!

Lengths of the Digestive System


We went out on the playground today to measure the lengths of different parts of the Digestive System! We realised that the small intestines were the longest part! It was incredible to see that 5m of tube is tucked away inside our tummies! 

Practical Digestive System!


We created our own mini digestive system today! We started by mushing banana, crackers, water and vinegar together in a plastic bag to act as the stomach. The vinegar was like the stomach acid breaking down the food. Then we transferred it to a pair of tights to be the small intestines. Once the nutrients (liquids) had been squeezed out, the left over indigestible food went into the cup, and then imitated going to the loo!


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Small Intestines

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Large Intestines

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Practical Digestive System Experiment

Explanation Texts!


We had a message from outer space today! This strange looking alien had been given a biscuit to eat from the boy trying to catch a star and he didn't know what had happened to it! We had to help him! We put the digestive system statements into a logical order and then wrote our own explanation for him to understand!

Alien Visitor!

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Digestive Organ Functions


Today we thought we would enjoy the sunshine for just a little while longer! We went outside for a digestive system treasure hunt! We had to find the different organs and note down their functions! Tomorrow, we're getting messy to learn how these organs work in practise! 

Star Machines!


We've been reading How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers and we designed the small boy a star catching machine! 

We thought about using time words and technical language to explain our machines. 

Later in the week, we will be writing our own explanations of the digestive system!

Star Machine Video

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Teeth Factfiles!


In English, we've been using our topic knowledge to design a factfile full of information all about teeth. We had to think about subheadings and linking our facts to the title. We also had to think about using factual diagrams and labelling them correctly. 

Digestive System Organs


Today we have been finding out which organs help us to digest our food. We had a go at positioning and labelling these organs first and then checked our answers! We were very close with some of the larger organs! Next week, we're going to learn their purpose within the digestive system!

Dentist Visit!


We had a visit from a dental nurse today. We looked at different toothbrushes and the benefits of each type and discovered how much fluoride should be in toothpaste (1450ppmf.) We had a true or false quiz and we really showed off our knowledge of teeth! We then guessed how much sugar is in different types of drinks!

The Digestive System!


Today we have been using the app Popplet to create a flow diagram for the Digestive System. We started with the mouth, oesophagus, stomach and the intestines. We looked at the order food will enter each organ and what will happen to it while it was there. We will make this more complex over the course of the term!

Love 2 Investigate!


We've investigated what spit is for this afternoon. We discussed that salvia is made up of 99% water, and then enzymes, mucus and electrolytes. We discussed how the enzymes start to break down the starch in foods to start the digestion process. We had to chew crackers for different intervals, mix them with water and then use iodine to make a chemical reaction. The darker the colour, the more starch in the test tube! 
