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Term 1 week beginning 14th September Home Learning

Term 1 week beginning 14th September 2020



Please hear your child read their home reading book as a reading priority.

Below is a reading comprehension activity about Doris the Loris, with different levels of questions. 

Please also read to your child and discuss the book with them.  Identify any vocabulary they do not understand and ask them to predict what may happen next, or how a character is feeling.



Please complete any spelling home work as a priority.

Below are this week's Billy Blunder activities which can be re-written neatly with the corrections completed using your child's homework book to write in.

Also below, please find 2 sentence activities that can be completed, one at 'Grasshopper' level and one at a slightly higher level of vocabulary called 'Shinobi' level.

This week's handwriting words can also be found below and these are also this week's spelling words to practice.


Please see the home learning booklets below.

Also below are some lessons with teaching guides to do together with your child and a follow on activity worksheet.

Your child has a TT Rockstar log in in the back of their reading record to practise their times tables.

If you would like to know your child's Sumdog login (another maths online activity we subscribe to) please send Mrs Addison a Dojo message. 
