June Half Term Project
Hi everyone!
Firstly, Thank you so much for all the effort both yourselves and the children put into their home learning over the past 7 weeks, you have been amazing and I feel very proud to be the Sycamore Class teacher!
Next term, our topic will be Blue Abyss and we will be learning more about the sinking of the Titanic in our topic work. Over the holidays, I have set a task to find out more about life on board the HMS Titanic by designing their own shoebox room! They can decide which ‘class’ their room can be from and whether this is a bedroom, dining room or kitchen. All we ask is that it is no bigger than a shoebox and is able to stand on its side (see pictures below.)
I have included a few ideas below and some links with some photographs from the time to give the children a few starting points.
Many Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful Half Term break!
Mrs Brown
Start collecting!
One of the tasks in the next few weeks will involve some plastic recycling junk modelling.
Please start collecting any junk modelling materials that you would normally recycle, such as milk bottles, cardboard, yoghurt pots etc.
Think creative...under the sea is the theme!
Aquarium Visit
This term, we would have been visiting an Aquarium to support our learning during Blue Abyss :-(
However, The Deep have some fantastic Home Learning Tasks available on their website if you follow the link below! The London Aquarium also have a resource bank of home learning activities. They also share brilliant videos from behind the scenes on their social media!