Expanded Noun Phrases
An expanded noun phrase is used to help describe nouns using more than one adjective.
A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb. Clauses are used to build sentences in English. There are many types of clauses, such as the main clause or a relative clause.
Clauses are made of even smaller units like words and phrases:
A clause contains a subject (the person or thing that the sentence is about) and a verb (doing word).
For example:
In this example, the subject of the clause is 'the quick blue car', while 'drove' is the verb.
A main clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb and can form a complete sentence on its own.
Check out some simple main clause examples below:
Subject = the lion
Verb = roared
Relative Clauses
A relative clause is a specific type of subordinate clause that adapts, describes or modifies a noun.
Relative clauses add information to sentences by using a relative pronoun such as who, that or which.
Relative pronoun | Noun that the pronoun refers to |
who | Refers to a person |
which | Refers to an animal, place or thing |
that | Can refer to a person, place or thing |
The relative clause is used to add information about the noun, so it must be ‘related’ to the noun.
Here are some examples of relative clauses (in purple):