At school we would complete a 30-40 minute phonics session every morning using the fantastic Monster Phonics resources. Monster Phonics have very kindly allowed us to share a login with all parents during this uncertain time.
Username: parents
Password: homelearning
Once you are logged on follow these steps to access the lesson we were up to before closure:
If you are unable to print the worksheet, please use the yellow book that has been sent home to write in.
We have covered each sound in class already and are currently in the 'revision' stage of our learning. I have attached the Termly Plans for Term 2 and 3 which gives an overview of the sessions but if you wish to use more in-depth plans please complete the above process but instead select 'Term 1'. On the page for each individual sound you will find a repeat of the resources in Term 2 but with the addition of a lesson plan.
We would normally use further resources and activities to cement learning and therefore take 2 sessions to complete each sound. However, I understand that at home this worksheet may be completed in 1 day so please feel free to work through the sessions as you see fit. Simply select 'Term 3' and continue as normal through the process stated above.
If you have printing facilities at home the website has wordsearches available for each sound. We have already worked our way through these during Term 1 but it may be a nice activity to repeat at home. How to find them:
Monster Phonics also have a good app which we sometimes use in school but unfortunately do not have the ability to share with you. There are 2 options available on the app store for £2.99 each or as a bundle for £3.99 if you think your child would benefit from using it at home. In school we use the 'First 100 High Frequency Words' option but if you wish to broaden the range of words then you could use the 'First 200 High Frequency Words'.
Phonics Play
Phonics Play have opened their website for free during this period of home learning.
Username: march20
Password: home
Letters and Sounds
We do not use the Letters and Sounds programme at school but they have released some learning materials online which you may find useful. They are releasing 3 new lessons a day; one for blending, one for Reception and one for Y1. You may find it is a nice change from the Monster Phonics, which lots of you have been keeping up with really well. The children may not be familiar with some of the strategies used but the sounds will all be the same. Here is a video explaining further: