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Year 1 have been exploring how to make equal groups which then leads onto sharing.

Summer term, year 1 have been looking at arrays and recognising equal groups.

Summer term in maths year 2 have been learning how to tell the time using their own clocks

Children have been comparing a variety of containers and identifying which would holds the most / least. They have been using ‘more’ or ‘less’ and order containers from empty to full.

Year 1s recognising tens and ones

Spring 1-Maths matching numbers to arrays and words.

Spring 1 - Comparing money using our maths symbols greater than , less than equal too

Spring Term 1- Can I subtract by counting back?

Number Day 2023

Number Day-WOW we have had a fun packed number day.  We started with listening to a story based on number.  We then wrote a shopping list using our numbers for Hermelin`s party.  

The afternoon was based around 2D and 3D shapes making patterns, drawing our own pictures using 2D shapes , games and i spy.  We also went out on a shape hunt through the school.

We even to played Pokemon trumps!

Week 5 Spring Term 1

Today in maths, Willow Class have been making groups of counters by sharing. Year 2 worked on dividing into equal groups of 2 and 5.
