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Design Technology

Term 6 - Materials and Structures


This term we are going to be researching bridges; what they're purpose is, where they are, the different types and bridges and how they are built.


Then we will work in pairs to design and construct our own bridges, considering what are the best techniques for enabling it to be strong. 

Term 4


This term we are going to be designing and making an alarm. Last week we learnt about the different types of alarms and which types of switch they use.


This week we reminded ourselves how to construct a circuit and how to include a switch in a circuit.

This week we designed our circuit, thinking about what type of switch we would use and how we would make the switch

This week we are making our circuits for our alarm system. We have made sure that we follow our design carefully, be resilient if it doesn’t work straight away, and keep safe whilst we are working with electricity. 
