Welcome to Summer term 1!
This term we are learning all about Africa. Please check back to see all the great work we will be doing this term!
Over the past two weeks, during our Art and Design lessons we have been looking at African Tribal masks. Using paper plates, paints and tissue paper we decided to make Willow Class masks.
We had to use careful painting techniques to create the design. We are really proud of our masks and you can see them on display in school.
This week we have been looking at animal fact files. We used ICT and fact books to gather lots of information about African animals. We are going to use this information to create our own electronic fact file.
During our maths lessons we have been looking at different types of measuring. We have practised using rulers, weighing scales and capacity. On Thursday we took part in some timed activities and estimated how many things we would be able to do in 10 seconds.
What a busy week we have had this week in Willow Class! This week we have been writing a recount from the point of view of an animal at the Zoo. We have been using mental strategies to solve subtraction & addition sentences. Investigating what plants need to be healthy and creating our own African masks!
We hope you all enjoyed our continents song during Friday mentions assembly!