This term, the children will be continuing their learning about the story of Creation from the chapter of Genesis. They will learn about why they see God as the Creator and what parts of the story might be important for Christians living today.
This week's topic work links directly to their English work. Children need to focus this week on the world beneath the surface of the oceans!
First, they need to be able to name the main oceans of the world and place them onto a map. They also need to understand the different habitats of the oceans and the kinds of creatures that have adapted to live there.
All the episodes for Blue Planet 2 are currently on the iPlayer for free...I have added the link below!
World Ocean Day!
Monday 8th June is World Ocean Day!
Follow the link below for lots of resources, live science films, science lessons, music performances and lots more!
This week's reading activity links to our work in Topic on the Layers of the Oceans.
There are 3 different levels within the attached document, 1 star being easy, and gradually becoming more difficult. Please choose the one that you feel is the most appropriate for your child and only print those pages. There are also answers attached.
The Star Level Rating is situated on the bottom left hand corner of each page.
* - pages 1 -6
** - pages 7 - 12
*** - pages 13 - 18
This week, the children will be writing a non-chronological report (information text or a factfile) about their favourite and chosen sea creature. This will link to their work attached above in the Topic Section, thinking about the different oceans of the world, as well as the different layers and habitats below the surface.
It will be important to complete some of these topic activities before they move forwards and complete these English Tasks.
This week, the children will be furthering their understanding of measures by focusing on measuring weight or mass!
Children in Year 3 and 4 need to be able to:
Practical ideas for using maths in our homes:
Let’s get Baking! Let the children have a go at measuring the ingredients needed for a recipe. |
Using scales you may have in your house, allow the children to weigh different objects around the house. Can they order them from lightest to heaviest? |
Look at food packaging and compare the weights on each one. Group them into those measured in grams and those in kilograms. Order a selection from lightest to heaviest. |
Choose two objects and estimate how much they weigh. How close are you to your estimate? What’s the difference between your estimate and the real measurement? |
As always, there will be a Sumdog challenge for this learning over the course of this week. There are also some interactive games below, and if any of the Oak National Academy/Bitesize lessons fit with this, I will add the links too!
This week's spellings are linked to the 'ou' spelling.
Is it 'ou' like trout or 'ou' like soup?
Group 1 |
Group 2 |
Group 3 |
Compound Through Outside Loudness Household Route Pouch Trout Scout Snout |
Compound Through Outside Loudness Household Route Pouch Trout Scout Snout |
Group Soup Out Shout House Mouth Mound Cloud Youth Wound |
Mrs Bates/Mrs Simons/Mrs Hockley’s Group |
Snow Across Top Wind Dark Thing Than Cold Park With |
There have been several nights of protests and violent clashes between police and protestors as demonstrations have swept across cities in the US.
The protests in Minneapolis began in reaction to the death of a man named George Floyd after he was stopped by police officers.
The protests have now spread across the country to cities including New York, LA, Chicago and Philadelphia.
While many protests have been peaceful, many places have seen rioting, looting and violence.
So why is this happening? Here's what you need to know. Follow the link to the news story by Newsround to help children to understand things they might be hearing across different news channels or social media.