This term we will become scientists as we find out who we are.
We will discover all about DNA, genes and fingerprints and why we are all unique!
These skills will then be used to help solve crimes, write reports and look in more detail at why we share characteristics of other family members.
Do you like all the same things that your friends do?
In PHSE we will look in more detail about our values, beliefs and tastes- what makes you one of a kind!
What makes us all unique?
Why do we resemble other family members?
What can we learn about our fingerprints?
This week we thought about our best qualities such as: patience, being kind and respectful and wrote these on POST IT Notes to offer Mr. Nobody.
We then thought about our class and school as a community- somewhere where we belong, as Mr. Nobody belongs nowhere.
As part of this task, we plotted where we lived on an interactive programme called Digimaps.
This week after writing some amazing Biographies about Florence Nightingale, we have started to plan for a piece of independent writing on the topic of 'Fingerprints'.
So far we have read and text marked examples of non-chronological reports and made a checklist of the key features.
In this text our focus will be on using parentheses (brackets, dashes and commas) adding more detail into our sentences.
Science- Fingerprints
Today we read about fingerprints in Guided Reading, then learned how the police take fingerprints using ink and lift prints from crime scenes.
We also compared Mrs Kaynes' identical twins fingerprints and found lots of similarities.
See below for some photographs of us working in class.
Today we were using our calculations skills and knowledge of shape and number to solve some tricky problems. Here are some photographs of us testing out our our theories.