Monday 29th January
Today we started our new topic called, 'Blood Heart'. In English we started to look at explanations texts, in order that we can create our own all about the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM by the end of the week.
We also listened to pulses and then created our own Heartbeat inspired rhythms to match them, using body percussion.
Please look below to see some of our compositions.
Tuesday 30th January
Design Technology
Today we learned a little about stethoscopes. First we looked at a labelled diagram and discussed how they worked, then we worked as teams to create our own versions using tubing and funnels. We were looking at different joining techniques that we could use to join the elements together.
Below are some of us making our designs.
To extend the activity we then discussed what worked well and any adaptions that could be made in order to improve the design making it more efficient.
Memorable experience
Heart Dissection at Barnes Wallis Academy
Today Pine Class visited the wonderful science staff at Barnes Wallis Academy, who kindly offered to help us learn about how the heart works, by carrying out a dissection on a cow's heart.
We learned about the four main chambers of the heart, which consist of the atriums and ventricles, and labelled diagrams to show how the flow of blood gets oxygenated.
Breaking Down Blood- 7th February
This afternoon Pine class were learning more about the circulatory system by looking at what makes up our blood.
We created fake blood samples using: red coloured syrup, oil and milk.
We then shook up the sample and watched the layers form.
Here are some photographs of our experiment and examples of work produced by the class.
Tuesday 20th February
Today we learned all about the different blood groups by collecting data about 30 people's blood groups. We organised this data into a tally and frequency table, then used these results to draw our own pie charts, using our knowledge of angles from our maths lessons.
We also read some facts about the eight different groups and used this to create a shared write poster for our class display. What do you think?