Maths this week is introducing weight and volume. I have attached learning pages and the page numbers which match in the practice book for each day.
Please do not feel constrained to the practice books! Weight and volume is a fantastic topic to take outside of the 'classroom'. Get cooking, make potions, create a cafe; just remember to use all of the mathematical language provided on the introduction page of the teaching materials. Don't forget to keep me posted with everything you are getting up to, I can't wait to see!
Please remember to count in 2s, 5s and 10s and recall number bond facts to 20 every day! Maybe try throwing a ball back and forth, racing a sibling to the answer or placing the facts around the house to find to make it more exciting. Share your ideas so other members of your class can have a go.
Please write 2 of the spellings each day into 2 separate sentences so that by the end of the week you have 10 sentences containing each of your 10 spellings. (Spellings can be found on the 'Spelling' sub page under 'Week 1').
Do not forget that these sentences need capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Get the children chanting it at home like they do at school! Also remind the children to use 'phoneme fingers' in order to sound out and spell their words.
Please find attached links that will help inform the children about riddles as a form of poetry and the lesson planning for the week.