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Collective Worship Council

Our Collective Worship Council assist in planning and delivering Collective Worship, taking part in church services, teaching other children in their class about Christian topics, creating drama sketches on Bible stories, demonstrating our school values and writing prayers. 


We meet together with Mrs Kaynes  to discuss Collective Worship and how we can make them  more exciting. It is our job to create a wonderful Christian ethos in our church school.


Some of our jobs include:


  • keeping the reflection area tidy
  • writing prayers for Collective Worship
  • demonstrating how to use our school values
  • meeting  to plan Collective Worship, discuss how our jobs are going, write prayers and lots more
  • feeding back the minutes of our meetings 
  • collecting pupil feedback
  • monitoring the playground looking for children who don't have anyone to play with, so they can invite them to play with them
  • looking for children who are using the Holy Trinity school values
  • helping in Collective Worship and church services by acting out plays, telling stories and reading prayers




This year we have lots of new faces taking part as members of Collective Worship Council.


Our first Collective worship this term is all about being

Thankful and is very close to our hearts on the theme of REMEMBRANCE. We managed to link in one of our school rules about being RESPECTFUL too!


Here we are sharing what we have learned with the rest of the school.


Collective Worship Council have been a great support again this term with our Easter Church Service. They helped to lead the event and also the prayers at the end of the service. Rev. Lynne was very proud of you and Mrs Hulme also commented that it was one of the best Church Services she had attended, run by the children.


Thank you for all of your hard work learning lines and writing prayers.
