Week 5
We have a great sunny week! Thank you for sending sun hats, sun cream and water bottles into school.
In Science this week we have been looking at how forces are used to change materials. We investigated push and pull forces and how these could change our playdough and clay pieces of work.
We had a great time when some members of Maple class came for a visit. We had a three different activities which were all based around the seaside. We created sun pictures using paper plates and tissue paper, ice creams with cotton wool and paper and different seaside sculptures from playdough.
This week in Maths we have been working on measuring. We have looked at different equipment we would use to measure different things. We began by looking at time and then moved on to using rulers, meter sticks and finally capacity.
As part of our topic on the seaside we have been looking at what holidays were like at the seaside 100 years ago. We have been lucky enough to have a box from The Lincolnshire Life Museum which contained lots of artifacts from the seaside. We had a great time looking at the Punch and Judy puppets, photographs from a long time ago and buckets and spades which were made from wood and tin. Our favourite part of the box was the swimming outfits. I am sure you will agree we look amazing!
Week 4
We started off this week with a visit from LIVES. We were very lucky to have the opportunity to work with this fantastic charity and we learnt lots of different things about keeping healthy and what to do in an emergency. Our teddies were very well behaved and didn't mind having their injections!
We then got very sporty! We had a fantastic time at our school sports day and really enjoyed all the different activities that we took part in. It was great fun cheering on our house teams and after all our hard work the ice lolly was the perfect treat!
As part of our sporting week on Friday we participated in a lesson on Goal ball. This sport was new to us but Mr Brown talked us through step by step what to do. We had to be really quiet so that we could hear the bell in the ball and use our hands to feel where it was.
Week 3
Another busy week in Willow class. We are so proud of all the children for trying so hard in the Year 1 phonics screening test. I would like to thank you all for working so hard at home with your child/children it really has made such a difference.
In English this week we have been looking at adventure stories. We have been using Finding Nemo as our starting point and have produced some fantastic pieces of work. We began by choosing our favourite character and writing a character description. We then created a story board detailing all the key events in the story. It was great to see how the children used adjectives to enhance their work. Today during independent writing we thought about what would have happened if Nemo had not touched the boat and we wrote a different story.
In Maths this week we have been using multiplication and division. We have been doubling and halving and then solving different one step word problems. It is fantastic to see the children choosing different maths equipment to help solve the problems.
Religious Education
We were very fortunate this week to have a visitor into school to tell us more about Hinduism. Mrs Basu came into school and we learnt lots of different things including dancing and prayer words. We got the chance to try on some very special clothes and the opportunity to see a shrine.
Week 2
What a busy week we have had in Willow class. We are really enjoying our new topic and are learning lots of things about the seaside.
We have really enjoyed our work on riddles. This week we made some changes to our sea side riddles and then when we were happy we created our final versions using the laptops. We learnt how to change the font size and colour and how to add page borders.
This week we have been using addition and subtraction. We have been calculating number sentences using different maths equipment and today we even solved some tricky word problems. We have been trying to use our times tables to help us calculate the answer quickly and accurately.
Continuing our work on materials. This week we went on a material walk around school. We looked at different objects and thought about what material they were made from. We then compared things which were made of the same materials and thought about their properties.
We finished our under the sea oil pastel pictures this week. I am sure you will agree our display looks fantastic!
Week 1
What a fantastic first week back at school! We have been very busy in our class and wanted to share with you some of the fantastic things we have been doing.
This week in English we have been looking at riddles. We began the week by reading lots of different riddles and identifying the key features. We than thought of seaside objects we would like to write our riddle about and planned lots of exciting words that reminded us of that object. Next week we will begin presenting our riddles and are going to read some of them out in celebration assembly!
Hello and welcome to term 6. We are very excited about our new topic which is going to be all about the Seaside!
Thank you for all the fantastic pieces of home learning. They look great as part of our seaside learning wall.
Please find attached our most recent newsletter and also a curriculum overview for the term.