The Law
All children who have been registered with a school are legally required to attend school 190 days in the year. The government’s expectation is that children’s attendance should be above 95%. Please refer to the table below to check what this actually means in days lost and the implications for children’s learning outcomes and achievements.
When a fixed penalty notice may be issued...
Fixed term penalties will only be issued in circumstance where the LA is satisfied that the criteria for prosecution would be met if the option if a fixed penalty notice is not taken up by the parent.
We work very hard as a school to ensure pupils attend school 100% of the time. We appreciate that pupils can become ill and these circumstances cannot be avoided. However, outside of this we encourage parents to work with us to ensure their child is in school learning and ready to meet the expectations as set out in our curriculum.
The circumstances in which a notice may be issued are:
- Holidays taken outside of the school term that the Head deems as not exceptional may result in a fine.
- Where a child is absent from school due to unauthorised absence of 10% or over a six week period.
- Where a child is present in a public place during school hours without reasonable justification during the first five days of any exclusion.
If you are struggling to get your child into school you may be invited to a school attendance meeting so we can put measures in place to help you and your child. If you have any concerns about your child's attendance please arrange a meeting with Mrs Kaynes Attendance Lead.
For more information about our Attendance Policy please click the Link.