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School Council

Please meet our School Council 2023-2024

Red Nose Day

This year we have all given our own ideas of how to raise money to support Red Nose Day. We also decided that we would like to help our own community by also collecting food for the local food back run by the Lions.


We decided on a cake sale, donating money to come dressed in funny or bright coloured clothes

We ran 3 competitions: Guess the number of red items in the jar, a joke competition and guess the little red monsters birthday.

We were very excited on the day as we were on Lincs fm morning radio and received a fabulous message from Sir Lenny Henry himself, wishing us luck with our fundraising.



Voting on new playground equipment with the money raised by the Swimmarathon event

Our School Council have been really busy organising events for Children in Need.

The School Council led our Collective Worship today to explain what Children in Need is and all the wonderful activities they have planned to make the day fun.

Children in Need was a huge success. We raised a massive £194.60. Thank you to everyone who donated.
