Maypole Dancing
In preparation for our Summer Fair, we have been booked a Maypole Dancing Workshop.
Pine Class really got into the spirit of things and we managed to learn several moves to create a small dance, including twists, bends and turns.
Please see the photographs below.
Cricket Club Taster Sessions
A huge THANK YOU to Lincs Cricket , who took us all for a Cricket taster session today.
We learned lots about fielding and batting skills and had lots of fun working as part of a team!
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations!
Today we all had an amazing time in class. We made some class bunting, created some amazing collage silhouette, watched our Jubilee tree being planted by Mrs Simons and had a lovely picnic lunch on the field in the sunshine.
In Friday Mentions we were all given a commemorative coin and flags to help us remember the day!
We even got a visit from Ivor, the Corgi and our own version of the Queen (Mrs Bates!)
BE INTERNET LEGENDS- National Internet Safety Assembly
Today all of KS2 joined a National 'Be Internet Legends' assembly. We learned how to spot safe and secure websites and recognize pop ups that seek to find out our personal information. I hope that the parents were able to join us using their link.
We talked about how to create secure passwords and use different ones for each account.
Red Nose Day 18th March 2022
Today we are dressing as Super heroes to raise money for Red Nose Day!
During the day, we will also be taking part in a design task to create a new super hero mask and looking at looking at Mindfulness.
Here we are in our outfits!
World Book Day
This year the staff made a great effort with their costumes. Can you guess who we all are?
1st March 2022- Tractor Visit from Bomber County Produce
Thank you so much for the brilliant visit from Bomber County Produce with their Tractor today for National Farmers Union Tractors in Schools Week! We learned why buying British is so important and the wealth of produce that we grow in our county.
Twosday 22.2.22
Today in class we have been learning A Twosday Tongue Twister and investigating all things 2!
First we started by estimating measures. We tried to think of objects that were 2mm, 2cm, 2m and 2km long- there were lots of great answers.
Then we moved on to estimating time.
Here are some pictures of our work.
Later in the lesson, we then carried out an investigation about how many numbers we could make starting at 0 just using the digit 2 and the 4 operations.
Year 6 Football Tournament
At the football tournament we played against 6 teams. We were praised for our good Team Work and Good Sportsmanship.
We won 3 and lost 3 of our matches, finally coming in 4th place.
by MD
PSCO Visit - Digital Resilience 10.1.22
Today, we were visited by our PSCO to talk about Digital Resilience. We talked about social media and its pros and cons. The discussion also covered age restrictions for these apps and sites.
In our next session, we will be feeding back our opinions from our group work at the end of today's session.
Today the children who took part in the Outspoken Training L2 Bikeability scheme all received their certificates, books and badges.
Here they are in all their glory!
Children In Need
Today, the children in Pine Class looked amazing in their fundraising outfits. Well done all of you.
Remember to complete your posters and decorate a pot like the one below to enter the competition for Monday.
Remembrance Day Service at RAF Coningsby
This week four representatives from Pine Class joined the RAF personnel at RAF Coningsby to remember all those who have served and dies in conflict.
They laid a wreath for the school, a read a section of 'For The Fallen' poem by Robert Laurence Binyon
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
Take 10 Minutes to Read
8th October 2021
On Friday we watch an inspirational author speak about her love of reading and how it is important in supporting our mental health.
We then took 10 minutes to read a great book quietly in class.
(I think some of us would like to do this more often, as we found it hard to put our books down at the end!)
As you can see, we were all dressed in our 'Happy' comfy clothes too!