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Week 1 beginning 7th September 2020

Homework this week will consist of all children bringing home and being tested on 10 spellings. I know that some children will find this hard and following their test on Friday I will be creating groups of children in each year group who will only be required to learn 6 words each week. 


The children's spelling list will be stuck in their reading diary and in order to help them learn this week's words they will also be sent home with a Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check sheet in a separate A4 homework book.


Maths- This week all the children have been set a times tables challenge on Sumdog. Children have been set specific tables to practice, based on our class work this week. The children have all been provided with an updated login sheet which they should have stuck in their reading diaries. If you have any problems with missing password etc, please contact me via Class Dojo and I will do my best to get you the information and send it on.


Reading- Please encourage your child to read daily. We will have a weekly library slot. We do have books that the children can borrow in the classroom until then, or the children can choose to read a book from home or one on their Kindles etc.

The children are able to record their own reading, but we ask that you sign their reading diaries weekly and make comments where appropriate to help keep up their enthusiasm.

