Information Texts
In English this week we have been focusing on information texts. We have been looking at the key features of these texts and understanding what we would find in an information book. We had great fun using the contents page and index to challenge our friends to find different things and even learnt what some words meant by carefully reading the glossary.
We then had a go at writing our own piece of information text based on the 4 stages of the chicken egg hatching. We used our success criteria to ensure we had remembered all the key features.
Which 3d shapes are best for building chicken houses?
This is the question we asked ourselves in Maths this week! Following the arrival of our fantastic chicks we began to link our work in Maths on shapes to our new fluffy friends. We have been working hard on our 2d shapes and understanding which properties they have but to build a chicken house we need to use 3d shapes. We looked at the differences between 2d and 3d shapes and then began to think about which 3d shapes would be best for building. We decided that to make sure our houses were strong we should use cubes and cuboids. For the roof we could use pyramids and for playtime the chicks might like to use spheres. Great shape work Willow Class!
Pablo Picasso
As part of our art work this term we have been looking at famous artists and their work. This week we focused on Picasso. We discovered lots of interesting facts about Picasso and his work. We looked at self portraits and his work through the different phases of his life. We turned our classroom into a mini art gallery and expressed our opinions on his work. At first we found it a little tricky to say reasons for liking and disliking things but when we looked really carefully we saw lots of reasons.
Well done Ruby you got this weeks Friday mention for your fantastic reasons for liking and disliking different pieces of art work.
Well done to everyone in Willow Class for their great outfits for Red Nose Day. It is fantastic to see so many children in red and in their disguises. We are hoping to raise lots of money for a great cause. Please see a selection of our great outfits below.
This term we are going to be looking at self portraits. We are going to look at some famous artists work and try and use some of the art techniques they use to create our own masterpieces.
Check out some of our fabulous sketching so far!