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Term 2

Key Information Recall Facts

Today in maths the children have been looking at AB repeating patterns using natural objects.

Today in maths the children were making an AB repeating pattern using shapes to print with.

Our learning wall so far.

Today in maths the children looked at repeating patterns in a circle.

The children continued making repeating patterns in the provision. Some great work, well done!

Today perseverance and resilience paid off. Talking out loud, really show cased the thought process needed to be successful as he could see where he went wrong and fix it until the repeating pattern was correct.

Today the children looked at the numbers 2 and 3. When we called a number they had to show the correct amount of fingers. They then had to show that amount in a different way using 2 hands.

The children looked at the numbers 4,5 and 6 by putting them on the carpet and then rearranging the amounts in different ways. The children had to think about the quantity. Does it change when the arrangement changes. Most children said no because I didn’t add any or take any away. Next they investigated in learning partners different ways of splitting 4,5 and 6 into different ways. They persevered and grew better in confidence as the week went on!
