Summer Term
This term we will be continuing our work on decimals, before moving on to learn about algebra, the conversion of measurements and finally perimeter and area.
Spring Term
This term we will be finding out about fractions, learning how to spot equivalent fractions, changing improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa, ordering and comparing fractions and relating these to decimals and percentages.
Autumn Term
Week 1- 6.9.21
We have started this term by recapping and extending our understanding of number and place value.
Year 5 children are learning about numbers to 1 million. They wil learn how to represent numbers in different ways, using partitioning, part whole models and place value charts. Next we will then compare numbers using the following symbols (= <>) and finally we will order sets of numbers.
Year 6 will extend their learning of the above dealing with numbers to 10 million.
Below is a photograph of this week's learning wall.
Why not ask you child if they can talk you though it to explain what we have learned?
Week 2 - 13.9.21
This week we are moving our focus on to rounding numbers. We have used a variety of strategies to help us learn this skill, but the children are particularly fond of the Rounding rap that I have added a link for below.
Week 3
This week in maths we have learned about counting in powers of 10 to complete numbers sequences. We have also improved our understanding of Roman Numerals.
Can you work out what the following numbers are?
Week 4
This week in maths we have been revisiting methods of addition and subtraction.
We used place value charts and counters to see where we needed to exchange and how this affected our answers.
Week 6
This week we are focusing on multiplication and using our known times table facts to help us solve more complex problems.
We have looked at multiplication as repeated addition, by creating groups of place value counters on place value grids and then finding the total, we have also explored short multiplication and the grid method, before we move on to look at the expanded method of long multiplication next week.
Please look out for some videos and walk throughs of our methods created by the children, which will be coming soon. We will put these under the suporting your child at home tab.