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Week 1

Tuesday 21st February

Today we have been learning about Victorians and comparing how the lives of rich and poor families differed.

 We found that:

  • the poor sometimes ate rotten food
  • if you were wealthy and had a child, who was a boy they would attend a boarding school

Thursday 23rd February

DT- Making Victorian Toys

Today Pine Class had a go at making some traditional Victorian Toys. We used template to make a twisting toy puzzle.


Victorian Bread Making

We also had a go at making Victorian Milk Bread from a historical recipe, which we then took home to bake.

Most of the children enjoyed tasting this sweet, creamy bread.


Week 2


This week in literacy we have been finding out about life in Victorian Times by reading and watching parts of Oliver Twist.


We are then going to use these facts to write a first person recount (from Oliver's point of view) of how he met the Artful Dodger.



Week 3

Victorian School Day Experience at Perlethorpe

On 7th March Pine Class went back in time to spend the Day as Victorian children at Perlethorpe School.

During the day boys and girls had to sit separately and were treated differently depending on their father's trade. We took part in a reading lesson, learned some basic arithmetic (including what pounds, shillings and pence were worth) and used slates and ink pens to learn how to write in old style lettering.


We then went out into the playground for drill. Following this there was the opportunity to use some toys of the era.


In the afternoon we explored the church and carried out an orienteering task where we used mapping skills to find hidden animals which were carved in the pews or hidden in stained glass windows.


Please take a look at our slideshow below to see how we got on:

Victorian Morning routines

Still image for this video