Measuring Madness!
This is week in Numeracy, we are linking our data handling work to measuring things! We are applying our knowledge from last term and revising how to read scales. Today, we collected data from the class by measuring how tall we were. We measured some children from other classes and some teachers too! We could then order, compare and convert the different measurements we got!
Stupendous Shapes!
This is week in Numeracy, we have been reminding ourselves of all the language we use when discussing shapes and their properties. We have used an App called Skitch to annotate 2D shapes and sort shapes into different categories depending on their properties.
Tremendous Time!
This week, we are revising telling the time! We need to be able to tell the time to the nearest minute, solve problems involving time as well as use 12/24 hour clocks and Roman Numerals. We need to convert between minutes and hours, seconds and minutes and be able to use what we know in real life contexts. Today, we built a huge clock to help us to understand the quarter to and past the hour, as well as see how we can use our 5 times table to help us with the clock face!
Measuring Madness!
This is week in numeracy, we have been revising our measuring skills. Lots of our work was to do with the rainforest and also channeling our inner Bear Grylls with survival techniques!
We looked at the amount of rainfall using our capacity knowledge. Using our knowledge of measuring length, we worked out the area and perimeter of the playground to link to the amount of rainforest lost in one minute!
Today we were looking at real life fractions and how sometimes, fractions are not always shown in a long strip or in a circle. Fractions can be everywhere! We used water as our whole, and we had to separate this equally to show a half, quarter and a third. Then we combined them to make other fractions. Can you guess what fraction the pictures are showing?
Frightful Fractions!
In numeracy today, we were problem solving and looking at how fractions can be shown in lots of different ways. Some of us created pizzas from a list of fraction ingredients, some solved always, sometimes never problems and another group used Lego to find different alternatives to showing a half.
Frightful Fractions!
Today, we used strips of coloured paper to help us to understand the role of the denominator in a fraction! We built our own fraction wall to use this week!
Dreadful Division!
This week in maths, we have been building our confidence in written methods for division. We have used concrete equipment to help us, as well as the number line and chunking methods. Below are some videos to help you to understand these more! The videos to explain the number line method have been completed by the children to explain how division can sometimes leave remainders.
Frightful Fractions!
This week, we are focusing on building up our fraction knowledge! This morning, we used a banana to help us to understand that a fraction is part of a whole. We then learned how to place fractions on a number line.