Earthquake Proof Buildings!
We looked at different buildings from around the world that have been made earthquake proof! We took some of their ideas to design and build our own!
The Wicked Old Witch!
We have finished our newspaper reports from the Land of Oz this week. We wrote all about how the house fell onto the Wicked Witch and tried to establish the suspects! We really enjoyed this style of writing and are looking forward to sharing our writing with the class with a book for our Book Corner!
Tractors into Schools!
We have been very lucky to have a tractor visit school this week! We got to learn a little bit about what kind of jobs a tractor will do and some of the produce created on their farm!
Celebration Afternoon!
We had a lovely afternoon celebrating our fantastic topic work from this term with our parents and carers. We also made seismographs and tested them out! We learnt that they are used to detect tremors in the earth's crust!