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Week 1

English - Writing

Recently Oak Class have been looking at diary writing and were due to write a diary entry for Hercules when he was training with Phil.  Please see the document below for an example of the text.  For their writing task this week, please could your child write a diary entry.  It could be of one day, or some days combined.  They need to include questions (see the example text) and their own thoughts and feelings.  Possibly some humour too!  They can make it up, or base it on real experiences from their daily life.  If possible, please publish them on the class blog.  Log in details will be sent Monday morning (23rd).

Spelling and Punctuation Activity - Billy Blunder

Look at the Billy Blunder document above.  See how many mistakes he has made and try to find them in his writing.  You can then re write the correct version in your home exercise book.  Remember to write neatly, this is a handwriting exercise too!

Science Activities

Our topic this term has been LIGHT AND SHADOW, the same as Sycamore Class.

In the document below there are some activities linked to this topic. Please have a go at some (or all) of them.  Fingers crossed the sun will be out!  Don't forget to send/tweet/email/dojo or blog your results! smiley

An extra bit of shadow fun!


This week we start our topic of fractions.  If your child has the Year 3B Practice Book, it is Unit 9.  If your child has the Year 2B Practice Book, it is Unit 10.  Please see the daily power points and activites below.  The power point will introduce the topic through a Discover activity and set out examples of how it is answered through a 'shared' activity.  Then there will be some Think Together activities and sometimes a challenge.  Following these please let your child complete their home practice book tasks.  The page numbers will be on the power point or they are available to down load on the word document if your child does not yet have their practice books at home.  Thank you for your support! smiley
