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In literacy this term we have been reading The Railway Children by E Nesbit.

We used the information contained in the text to write reports about 'The Early Railways' and the impact that these had on society during the Georgian and Victorian Eras.


Here are some of our completed reports.


The Mousehole Cat

Week 1

On the first day back we listened and watched a retelling of The Mousehole cat and we had to write the themes, mood/atmosphere, contrasts, metaphors, alliteration, rhyme and  similes. After that we had a group chat and added some other key themes in a coloured pencil.


On Wednesday we read a poem about The Mousehole Cat and we then said if we would or wouldn't recommend that poem and why.


 Following on from this, on Thursday we were given some images to collect  some phrases and words that made us think of that scene and get an idea of a poem for extended writing. Some of us chose to do an acrostic poem while others chose a story poem. Then once we had written our draft we edited in a coloured pencil and some of us re-wrote them up in neat.


Below are some of our poems hope you enjoy!!

Ancient Greek Myths and Legends

This term in literacy we will be looking at Ancient Greek Myths and Legends.

 We will also be reading a range of these during Guided Reading sessions.


So far in Literacy this term we have been looking at what makes a good myth.


We have made note of the key features by reading Theseus and the Minotaur, in our literacy sessions and comparing this to The tasks of Heracles during Guided reading sessions.


Recently we have looked at adventure games on the computer and evaluated them for there playability. We used these to design our own Minotaur Maze inspired game, which we have started to develop using a programme called Scratch.
