This week you are continuing the unit on time. I have attached the Power Maths learning pages so you can continue to use your practice books to complete activities. I have also attached a few extra activities for if you complete the Power Maths work.
Please write 2 of the spellings each day into 2 separate sentences so that by the end of the week you have 10 sentences containing each of your 10 spellings. (Spellings can be found on the 'Spelling' sub page under 'Week 11').
Do not forget that these sentences need capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Get the children chanting it at home like they do at school! Also remind the children to use 'phoneme fingers' in order to sound out and spell their words.
Extended writing:
This week you will exploring The Tale of Peter Rabbit and writing your own adventure story for Peter. Let your creative juices flow!
I have attached some of Peter Rabbit topic activities we will have in the classroom this week if you wish to complete them at home.