Sublime Science!
We had a great afternoon with Sodium Sam from Sublime Science today experimenting and learning more exciting science things for National Science Week! We made thunder noises with vibrating springs, liquid tornadoes, smoke rings and turned water into powder. Many WOW moments and times when we gasped and wondered more!
National Science Week!
Because it is National Science Week, we have had an observational task this week. Mrs Addison brought a small pot of some strange gel into our classroom and we watched it change all day. Watch our time-lapse video of what we observed!
Is Custard a Liquid?
We investigated Custard today in our science! We rocked it, poured it, dropped things on it and much more! We were comparing it to water and whether the two liquids behaved in the same way. We watched a video where a man actually walked on a swimming pool full of water!
Bubble Foam Time Lapse!
Today we had some foam left in our classroom to watch over the course of the day. We made a time lapse to check it's progress. We're going to leave it overnight to see what happens!
Today we made our very own Muggle Butterbeer! We whipped sugar, cream and butter flavouring to put on the top and mixed butter flavouring with cream soda to make the liquid. It was very sweet and we can't wait to make our TV adverts tomorrow! Keep a watch on the Literacy page for updates!
What if...
We've been asking BIG questions in Science today. We asked, what if the sea was gloopy like ketchup? We had to think of a plus, minus and interesting thought based on this question. We thought it was a bit tricky, but made us think about the world around us and link our science knowledge together!
Changes of State
We've been learning about how water can change state. We looked at a balloon filled with air, one filled with water and one which had been in the freezer and had turned into ice!
We talked about the language of evaporate, condense, melt and freeze to help us to understand how matter can change between a solid, liquid and a gas.
Muggle Quidditch
In our literacy lessons, we've been learning how to write instructions! Today, we had to follow some instructions for playing Muggle Quidditch! We had lots of fun learning the rules and positions for playing the game!
Through the Keyhole!
We we went through the keyhole at Hogwarts school today! We had to look at the little details in some of the classrooms within the school and then use our keyholes to pick the best bit for our artwork. This will lead on to our own artwork in the coming weeks! Stay tuned!
Condensation Hearts
We've been experimenting with condensation today. We learnt a little bit about what condensation is and how we can create it. We then took photos of hearts we had drawn in the condensation on the windows. We then transferred these onto the computers and played around with the filters and colours. We have now turned our photos into pieces of artwork!
Professor Snape's Bubble Potion!
Today we received a problem from Professor Snape! He had a bit of a problem with his Bubble Potion...he had forgotten all of the measurements! He had no idea how to make the best mixture for the perfect bubble! We had to find out what the perfect concoction was!
Bubble Testers!
Today we looked at using shop bought bubble solution to test how large we could make our bubbles for and how long they would last. We discussed how we could make our bubbles better by blowing gently and mixing the solution.
Heart Spell!
Today we managed to perform a heart spell! We poured bicarbonate of soda into vinegar which created a chemical reaction and produced a gas which inflated the heart. We were amazed!
Planetarium Visit
We had a visit from a Planetarium today! We learned all about the planets and the stars when we went inside the huge inflatable tent! We managed to use some of our Solids, Liquids and Gases knowledge too when we talked about how some planets are made up of solid rock and some are made from gases held together by gravity! Amazing!