Chocolate Rocks!
Today, we made chocolate rocks to help us to understand more about igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. We used milk and white chocolate to make layers, then added pressure to show how the layers of sediment built up over time. Then we push the chocolate into a ball, using our finger tips to provide heat, making our chocolate rock a metamorphic one! We then put our chocolate ball into a pan of boiling water and now we are waiting for them to cool into igneous rocks! We used the Rock Cycle to track our rock's progress!
Sorting Rocks
Today, we have been sorting different rocks into our own categories. We first decide on our own group names to sort them and then used some ideas from the whole class. Then we tested our rock's permeability, strength and identified some of it's features. We're very excited about our new rock topic!
Shadow Sculptures
We used tin foil and our knowledge of shadows to create our own shadow sculptures! We moulded the tin foil into a person shape and then drew its very own shadow!
On this beautiful, bright spring day, we investigated how shadows are created and what they are! We drew around each others shadows and discussed how they had no features and a shadow was blocking a source of light, in this case, the sun.
Light and Shadow
This term, we have been learning about how light travels in straight lines. We had some card and a mirror to shoot an alien with a beam of light.
National Science Week!
This week, it's National Science Week, and we have been using our new Log Boxes in school to investigate! Sycamore investigated whether our temperature is effected when we exercise!
Moving and Growing
Today, we looked at different types of skeletons. We worked as a group and decided what was inside our bodies and we came up with some interesting ideas! Then we learnt some new vocabulary of vertebrates and invertebrates. We then delved even deeper and discussed how some animals have their skeleton on the outside of their bodies, and some don't have a skeleton at all! We even found that a tortoise could be classed as having an endoskeleton and a exoskeleton because it's shell is it's backbone!
This term's topic is states of matter and we will be learning more about solids, liquids and gases. Today we discussed particles inside each of the states and then sorted some items into the three categories.
This term, we will be looking at our bodies and inside our mouths! We will be looking at how to stay healthy and eat well balanced meals as well as what happens to our food once we swallow it.
Digestive System!
We we have started to investigate what happens to our food when we swallow it. We have learnt about the journey our food takes through our body and what happens to it along get way!
We have started to think about the organs inside of our bodies! Today, we looked at our main organs and thought about their main jobs to keep us alive and healthy. Use the interactive games above to test your knowledge! Next week, we will explore how our body digests food!
We have investigated this week which liquids are good and bad for your teeth! We used hard boiled eggs to represent the enamel on our teeth and left them over the weekend in Coke, milk, pure orange juice and water. These are our results! We now know that liquids that contain lots of sugar and acid are bad for our teeth and we should have our milk before bed and then clean our teeth!
In science, we have been looking at the different types of teeth in our mouths. We used mirrors and checked which teeth we had, adult or baby teeth. We learnt the roles of the different teeth, like the incisors, canines and molars!
This week, we played a game called 'Pile it on my Plate' where we had to make our plate healthy with different products from each food group. We learnt how to make our dinner plates healthy and well balanced We had to watch out for the 'dog' card though, where the dog came and gobbled up our food!