Escape from Pompeii Kennings
Today, we have written our own Kenning Poems based on Escape from Pompeii. We had to choose nouns from the story and then decide on appropriate verbs to match. We hope you like them!
Holiday Homework Eruption!
The first holiday homework eruption has taken place today! We used baking powder and fizzy liquid with red food colouring! We looked at how this created a reaction and fizzed and bubbled out of the crater! We can't wait for some more later in the week!
Let's take a closer look...
We used the magnifying glasses on the iPads to look closer at the formation of some of the different types of rocks. We noticed spirals and patterns in the rocks, as well as layers and holes in different parts!
Rock Sculptures
We used Andy Goldsworthy as our inspiration today and created our own rock sculptures! We had to think of different ways we could arrange our rocks in spirals and twists, largest to smallest or in colour groups!
Rock Investigations!
We investigated different types of rocks today. We tested how hard or soft they were using a scrape test and tested their permeability using water and pipettes. We also started to understand the terminology of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic!
Structure of the Earth
We learnt about the structure of the earth today using a hard boiled egg! We took the egg apart and discussed the shell being like the earth's crust, the white being like the mantle and the yolk to represent the core!
Holiday Homework!
We are so impressed with some of the holiday homework we have completed! We have the a model of the San Francisco Earthquake, Volcanoes galore and lots of interesting facts and information! We even have a full survival kit, just in case of a Natural Disaster! We can't wait to 'erupt' some of our models!