Land Ahoy - Week 6 Learning
This week the learning focus is on rescues at sea. It includes the history of lifeboats, today's Royal National Lifeboat Institute and light houses.
but first, three resources you may also like:
National Geographical Competition
Details of the competition below were forwarded to me by National Geographic and I thought some of you in Oak may be interested as I know there are a few of you who are motor racing fans.
Use the link below to find details:
Act of Kindness Calendar
Being kind is always important and it is such a simple thing to do.
Use the calendar below to record an act of kindness that you have done each day. Or, you could record them on a separate piece of paper, in a note book or make your own diary of kindness.
Ask an adult for their suggestions, but here are some of the things you could do:
Please share your kindness through Classroom Dojo or through the Oak Class Blog.
English - Rescue Poem - Grace Darling
Find out why Grace Darling is famous. Listen and watch the story as she tells it using the BBC clip below and read the Power Point to find out more about her.
Think about her act of bravery and how she might have felt as she rowed across the treacherous sea to the shipwreck.
Then look at the pictures below of modern sea rescues.
Think about and collect words that are associated with rescues at sea. Create a word bank of words that would be useful in a rescue poem, (with an adult to help you if you need).
Use alliteration (words that start with the same sound) to make these words more effective and powerful.
Use these words to create an acrostic poem for the word RESCUE. This means that the letter in the first word of each line will spell out the word RESCUE as you go down the page.
Below are some ideas and a special piece of paper to write it on.
Read and perform your poem at home - send a video on Classroom Dojo portfolio if you like!
Royal National Lifeboat Institution
Find out about the role of the RNLI, navigate the RNLI website to source information and facts.
There is lots to look at on the Youth Education tab including colouring, videos, and interactive learning (including an animation about Grace Darling) - animation about Grace Darling
Or use the power point below.
Geography activity:
RNLI find station on map pdf map, image of RNLI map
Using the map document below or our coastline, find and circle the seaside towns which have a lifeboat station. You can find a map using the RNLI website.
Which is the nearest lifeboat station to us? link to the interactive map (example below) to support finding the stations.
Art and Design Technology
Build your own light house.
You could use junk modelling or any other material you have at home. Decorate it by painting or colouring.
Below are some pictures to inspire you and also a template if you want to cut and colour.
Can you make it light up?
Reading Comprehension
This week there are three to choose from. As previously, each one has three different levels to choose from.
Choose from Grace Darling, Lighthouses and The RNLI.
Adults: Remember the answers are there too! Your child could mark their own work after to check their answers, this is often very beneficial, especially if they can indentify where, if at all, they went wrong.
This week there are three options for maths to choose from.
Firstly, if you have the Power Maths practice books at home and a ruler, you may choose to do the following units on length and measurement. Remember you can access the power maths text books online using the links below. (You may need to agree to the terms and conditions again)
Year 2 - Spring Text Book B - Unit 8 - Length and height
Year 3 - Spring Text Book B - Unit 8 - Length
Also available on the links are a new Home Edition version of Power Maths with different units each week. The online resource includes the introduction slides and the pupil practice questions. I have prepared these on word documents below for ease of use.
Year 2 Summer Maths Home Edition - Week 1 - Addition and Subtraction
Year 3 Summer Maths Home Edition - Week 1 - Money
Education City Maths Resources
This week I have added some activities from Education City linked to addition and subtraction for each year group if your child would like something different.