VE Day!
On Friday, the children took part in the VE Day celebrations to coincide with the 70 year anniversary since Victory in Europe. The children were in vertical age groups and took part in lots of activities including ration cooking, evacuee drama, artwork and PT activities!
MUFTI Day Treat!
At the end of this term, Sycamore had accumulated over 1000 marbles and decided on a trip to the park as their treat! We walked down to Coningsby Park and had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine!
World Book Day!
Sycamore Class LOVED dressing up and joining in with all the book activities in our World Book Day week! Look how great we all look in our costumes!
We especially loved using the iPads to create book reviews on our favourite stories and fact books.
Our class also got the opportunity to talk to an author and ask lots of interesting questions about her books and stories. We even follow her on Twitter now!