Welcome back!
This term our topic is all about superheroes. We will be exploring what it takes to be a superhero, creating our own superheroes and looking at comic strips. It is going to be a very busy, exciting term so please make sure you check this page regularly to see all the fun things we have been doing.
Hello Bertie
Bertie is our new class mascot. He is a very special penguin with great super powers. Bertie will be coming home with children who have tried really hard during the day. Bertie will come with a diary for the children to write in to tell us what they have been doing with Bertie during his visit. I hope he is a very well behaved penguin when he visits!
Week 7
What a final busy week of term we have had! Thank you for everyone who was able to come to our open afternoon. It was lovely to show you our topic work and discuss our learning together.
LIVES training
On Wednesday we took part in a whole school first aid training session learning about what to do in emergency situations. We learnt more about CPR and helping people in need.
Visit from the dentist
We have also had a visit from the dentist helping us to make the right choice to keep our teeth and mouths healthy. We learnt more about brushing our teeth, which foods are good for our teeth and what happens when we go to the dentist. We even had a very special message from the singing dentist!
Week 6
A very well done on another exciting week. This week we celebrated a great class effort with everyone receiving a Friday mention for using their superhero skills to find Bertie! We also all stood up for our fantastic shape maths display. Lexi was our writing star doing a super piece of writing helping Professor Slime to become a superhero too!
We have continued our work on shapes this week. We have been describing different shapes to our friends, we have been using shape books to identify different shapes and we have made tricky shape patterns. To end the week we made our own shape display which is next to our classroom door. Please come and see our great work!
This week we took part in a BBC live lesson. It was very exciting to be including in a lesson which schools across the UK were doing at the same time! On Wednesday we came in from playtime and found some slime in our classroom. We discovered that Professor Slime had stolen Bertie and had left us some wrong choices to try to find Bertie. We were very worried about Bertie but we transformed into superheroes so we could rescue him! When we found Bertie we realised Professor Slime wanted to be a superhero too so we helped him to make the right choices also. A great job Willow Class!
As part of our work on the human body we have been looking at ways to stay healthy. We decided we would design and make Bertie a healthy lunch after all his work with Professor Slime. We designed a meal using the healthy plate. We then created our healthy meal for Bertie to enjoy!
Week 5
A very special well done to all the children who received special mentions in assembly today. From Willow class Luey received a certificate for his fantastic writing, you can see his story mountain on our celebration wall this week. Jasmine received a certificate for her great skills during PE with Mr Brown. Poppy did a fantastic piece of shape work which is on display on the celebrating maths wall and Sienna is this weeks good citizen for always following the school rules.
This week we have been learning more about shapes. We have been using 2d and 3d shapes and learning about their different properties. It is really important that we can identify shapes, know their names and be able to discuss their different properties so this week our homework is all about shapes. To end the week we decided to create some superhero houses using different 3d shapes. It was great fun to work with our friends and create some great 3d houses.
This week we have been learning about the key features of a story. We have been looking at different stories to break them down into chunks to help it easier when we start to write them. We have used a story mountain to help us break stories down into different parts. We really enjoyed reading different stories and seeing where each part needed to go on the mountain. We then used our real life heroes from last week and their new super powers to create our own fantasy story. We planned on the mountain and then edited with the gel pens. We had lots of fantastic ideas!
Continuing our work on the human body this week we looked at how healthy foods can help us to keep healthy and strong. We talked about lots of different foods and which food group we thought they might belong too. We have learnt that its ok to have a little bit of everything and how our bodies need lots of different kinds of foods to keep healthy.
Drama/Physical Education
We decided we wanted to create some patterns of different movements that we might see different superheroes and villains use in comic strips. We used freeze frames to help us capture the different movements. Our class favourite move was flying!
Art and Design
This week we have looked at some images created by Andy Warhol. We talked about how he used different blocks of colours and repeated some images just changing certain things. We then wrote about the things we liked and the things we would change if these were our images.
Week 4
Thank you to everyone who came to our Friday mention assembly today! It was great to see so many friendly faces. A big well done this week to everyone in Willow class as we all received a Friday mention certificate for our fantastic behaviour during our farm trip. Special mentions to Laila who has here maths work on the celebration board and Sienna who has her writing up on the writing wall. Laila has had such a super week she is also our good citizen for always showing a caring nature.
This week we have been learning our number bonds and looking for different patterns in our number sentences. We have continued to practise our number formation this time having magic fingers writing numbers on each others backs.
Art and Design
This week we have been using clay. We began by sketching our Bertie sculpture thinking about proportion. We then used our fingers to mould the clay into different shapes before putting them together for our final piece. It was great fun to use clay and our sculptures were fantastic!
Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning different ways to stay safe online. We have been looking at different books including penguin pig to help us spot when something might not be quite right. We decided to learn a song with the help of superhero Sid so we can always remember ways to stay safe on line. Check out our fantastic music video!
Our trip to Abbey Farm
This week we had the opportunity to visit a local farm. We wanted to find out about harvest time and the different crops they grew on their farm. We learnt about the different equipment they had, went on an Autumn hunt and even hunted for mini beasts! We finished our trip with a bumpy tractor ride!
Week 3
We had a fantastic welcome service today with a great show from Maple class and their playdough disco routine! Friday mentions this week went to Zack for a smiley face all week and Layton for a super attitude to all his learning. Poppy is our good citizen this week for always been kind and helpful. Miah displayed her great editing work on the English celebration board and Max showed his super subtraction work on the Maths display wall. Well done for our super stars!
This week we have been recognising the subtraction symbol and investigating different strategies we could use to solve subtraction sentences. We have used lots of different maths equipment to help us and continued to practice our number formation. As we gained confidence we recapped our addition skills and had to read sentences very carefully to see which operation we needed to use. On Friday we had a maths investigation. We had to find as many different ways using addition and subtraction to make the same number.
What a super writing week we have had. On Monday we looked at comics with no words. With a partner we discussed what we thought was happening in the different boxes and what words we might like to put into the speech bubbles. We then moved this on to creating a first draft of writing our own comic strip. We responded to feedback and made editing changes with gel pens (which was very fun) before finally creating our best polished piece. This was the first time we have done any editing and it was a great success!
Religious Education / Geography
This term we are focusing on harvest time. Before our trip to Abbey Farm next week we decided to have a discussion on where our different favourite fruits and vegetables come from. We looked at a world map and identified the different places some of us had been and then tried to work out where different foods had come from and how they reach us here in the UK. It was really interesting to see where different things grow!
Art and Design
We have been investigating different art materials to see how they can create different art effects. We used oil and soft pastels, charcoal, chalks, a range of different drawing pencils and crayons to see how we could create different effects. We discovered some materials were better for outlines whilst some could be smudged to create a round effect.
Week 2
Another fantastic week in Willow class. A big congratulations to Jasmine and Aaron who received Friday mentions this week. Ruby has received the good citizen award for super manners and trying hard in all areas of her learning.
This week we have been working with numbers. We have been creating number lines to help with ordering, practising our number formation, finding one more and one less and finally recognising different maths symbols and using them to solve number sentences. The children have brought maths homework home so please could you support your child with their number formation this week.
Continuing our work on superheroes this week we have been looking at comics. We began the week by looking at lots of different comics and reading them as at first they were tricky to understand. We then moved on to find the key features of comics and highlighted them on comic strips. We used our ICT skills to take photos of each other in our favourite superhero pose and added extra details and finally used a range of different drama techniques to explore different superhero feelings.
Continuing with our work on the human body this week we looked at our bones. We named different bones in our body and then looked at the organs some of them protected. We discussed what might happen if we break a bone and how x-rays can look under our skin. Because it was so warm we enjoyed a funny bones story out in the outdoor classroom.
This week we have been working on the laptops. We decided we would like to create a mini fact file about our favourite superhero. We worked with a partner and had to select an image, copy it, paste it and then type something about that super hero. This was a very tricky lesson but everyone worked really well with their partner an tried their best. If you have a laptop at home please could you practise mouse skills and copying and pasting to help build confidence.
Week 1
What a busy first week we have had back in school. Well done to Max and Ruby who received Friday mentions today. Our good citizen award went to Max for his fantastic manners and kind and helpful nature.
This week during our maths lessons we have been working on our counting skills. We have been counting forwards and backwards and counting from different starting points. We ended the week with a counting challenge where we had to predict which container had the most equipment in and then count to find the answer.
As part of our work on superheroes we have been using our speaking and listening skills to discuss our favourite superheroes. We listened very carefully to our friends and were able to retell the things they said.
Our science topic this term is to learn more out about the human body. This week we drew around each other and labelled as many parts of the body as we could. It was fun to create a real life sized labelled body.
PE this week involved moving like a superhero. We changed the speed we moved and the direction we travelled. We thought about how superheroes land when they have been flying and how we can change our body to travel at different levels. It was lots of fun moving like a superhero.
Friday afternoon was a very noisy afternoon in Willow class! We decided we would like to use different musical instruments to create sounds that we thought superheroes might make. We thought about when superheroes run, jump, slice, throw, stomping, spin and fly. We changed the way we played the instruments to create soft and hard sounds.