Sumdog Contest!
Super work Sycamore Class...! Great news that we were in the top ten over the weekend for the Lincolnshire Sumdog Contest and in the overall leader board, we came 12th!
Amazing Angles
We've been hunting for right angles today! We have been finding them in shapes, in the classroom and even outside using our gobblers to help us! We can use this knowledge to identify acute and obtuse angles and describe specific shapes!
Measuring Madness!
​We've been looking at capacity in our maths this week! We've been using our problem solving knowledge to make sense of a situation involving Mickey Mouse muddling up the container labels, estimating the amount of liquids and accurately measuring the ingredients for Alice's 'drink me' potion!
Rotten Rounding
We've been working really hard on rounding to the nearest 10 and 100. It's really tricky to remember all the steps!
Pesky Partitioning
We've been partitioning numbers and thinking of different ways to partition 3 and 4 digit numbers. We tried more complex ways to partition numbers using base 10 resources to help us!
Naughty Numbers!
We have been exploring number during this week. We have been representing numbers in different ways. We had to think of how we could draw numbers or use symbols to represent a number in different ways!