Spellings: The children will be set spellings each week depending on their year group and ability. Your child will stick their 6 or 10 spelling words into their planner on a Monday to learn at home. The terms spellings can also be found on a PowerPoint in the homework briefcase on our class website page.
Spellings may be tested just as single words or as part of a dictated sentence.
Reading: It is important that the children read daily, recording what has been read in their homework diary. They may read books from the library, or home which link to their Lexile level, which will be retested during the first few weeks of term. Before children change their books they will be expected to answer a quiz on the text, if one is available. This can be done at school or at home using the login information they have been given. If they score 7 or more out of 10 then they will be able to change their book.
Alongside reading and spelling homework the children will also be set additional homework which they will record in their planners on a Monday. Details of weekly homework can be found on the website homework page, in case your child is ill and misses recording this. All homework will be due in on Friday each week.
Maths homework will consist of either an online activity or a written piece of work to be completed in their A4 homework books. All homework must be completed to a high standard. We strongly encourage children to do their homework as it is often a consolidation of what has been taught in class.
Children will be issued with a Reading/ Homework Diary. These must be bought to school in their bags EVERY DAY. Please check and sign this weekly. The diary will be used to record all homework set and any messages that need to be passed between home and school. Reading diaries will be checked by an adult during the week and Dojo points will be given as rewards to those who have read daily. For urgent messages please use Class Dojo or email the school office.
Below you can find the spellings for the term in case your child is absent from school on a Monday. You will also find details of each weeks homework as they are set.