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School Clubs

The pupils of Holy Trinity can attend a variety of clubs through the course of the year and we try to cater for many interests. Many of the clubs are run by staff and take place after school, a few take place during lunchtime. 


There is an expectation that if a child signs up for a club they will attend all sessions.


All clubs start at 3.15pm and finish at 4.15pm (unless otherwise stated) and If your Y5/6 child has permission to walk home then the club leader will be notified of this information from your child’s school records.


There are limited spaces and the clubs are bookable on a first come first served basis so if you are unable to add the item to your basket then it is unfortunately already full. Please note that clubs will vary each term so you can try again next time! You will not receive a confirmation email and that by being able to book a place online is your confirmation that you have secured a place.


Information on Clubs for the current academic year (2022-2023) will be communicated to parents before the start of the new school term and are bookable via the Parentmail App. Please note after school clubs to do not run on the first and last week of term. 
