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Week 10 beginning 15th June

Be a Buzzy Busy Bee

This week's learning has a 'bee' focus, so get  buzzy busy!



First, something totally optional and different if you like! (click on photo to enlarge)

English - Book or Film Review

This week's writing task is to write a film or book review.  It doesn't have to be about bees, it could be about any insect or even just your favourite book or film.


You could watch 'Bee Movie' if you have it or if you can find it.               


I have put lots and lots of bee books in the library on Epic Books for Kids as well as some video clips too.


Alternatively, you may have a book about insects or bees such as:

Aaaarrggghhh, Spider! by Lydia Monks

The Very Greedy Bee   by Steve Smallman

The Very Hungry Caterpillar or The Bad-Tempered Ladybird or The Very Busy Spider  all by Eric Carle.


They can be heard on YouTube, for example below is a link for an animated film version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar:    


What is a 'review'?

Reviews are about giving an opinion, not just retelling the story.  It should have descriptive vocabualry and conjunctions (and so because when if but) to join or extend ideas.

Below are some examples and some blank templates to write on or, alternatively, write one in your exercise book.  Don't forget to give it a star rating!

How Do Bees Make Honey?


Watch live webcam footage of bees in a bee colony as they come and go from the hive and perform their duties. Look closely at the bees returning to the hive to see if some appear different to others.

Pick out bees that have full pollen baskets on their legs and observe their different colours, which change depending on where they have foraged.

See how bees communicate in and around the hive and watch footage of the waggle dance they perform to tell other worker bees the direction and distance of flowers that contain lots of pollen and nectar.

Then watch bees using their proboscis to collecct nectar from flowers.  See how they get covered in pollen as they feed.

Identify the parts of the flower that the bee collects pollen and nectar from.       Live Bee Cam website link  Inside a bee hive information video    Inside a bee hive video with music



Look at the power points about honey bees and the life cycle of a bee.

Choose from different bee activities below.

Power Point about honey bees with video link too

Bee Life Cycle

Learn about the life cycle of a honey bee or bumblebee, including their egg, larval, pupal and adult stages. 

Draw the bee's life cycle as a diagram and label accordingly, you could add short captions to explain each stage.

Fun fact:  A bee's life cycle is described as holometabolous.  Other holometabolous minibeasts include butterflies, wasps and ants.    time lapse video of a bee life cycle

Science Investigation - Cheesy Puffs and Pollen

If you like cheesy puffs, (or even if you don't) you may want to investigate pollen using the activity below. 

You will need to adapt it to suit home life and may need to get adults involved with sticky, cheesy puff fingers too! laugh

Reading Activities (Don't forget all the bee books in the assigned library on Epic Readers)

Year 2 Spellings and Year 3 SPaG (spelling punctuation and grammar) available on the main home learning page this week.

(due to being more than one week's worth laugh)

Science - fun website for kids about microbes (see link below)


Maths options this week include a website that you may find fun.  Link and picture below:  


Also below are some bee related fraction challenge cards for another choice.

If you have the Power Maths practice books at home then please do the units below depending on which year group you have.  

Remember you can access the power maths text books online using the links below in order to introduce each activity.   (You may need to agree to the terms and conditions again)


Year 2 - Spring Text Book C - Unit 12 - Problem solving and efficient methods - Lessons 6 - 10

Year 3 - Spring Text Book C - Unit 13 - Mass - measuring mass - Lessons 1 - 5


Also available on the links are the Summer Maths Home Edition versions of Power Maths with different units each week.  The online resource includes the introduction slides and the pupil practice questions.  I have again prepared the questions on word documents below for ease of use.


Year 2 Summer Maths Home Edition - Week 5 - fractions revision

Year 3 Summer Maths Home Edition - Week 5 - fractions continued


Link to Year 2 Resources  


Link to Year 3 Resources

Further maths choices for both year groups on the home learning front page if you would like a total change.

And finally, some bee jokes (see the book on Epic Readers)
