Week 5
Congratulations to the whole of Willow class for their fantastic behaviour this week. We are very proud of the wonderful comments we received from the staff at BAE Aircraft Maintenance Academy following our school trip. Frankie is our good citizen this week because he always follows the school rules.
Visit to BAE Aircraft Maintenance Academy
On Wednesday we went on our school trip to the aircraft maintenance academy. On our journey there we passed Humberside airport and saw lots of helicopters ready to go. Once we got inside the hanger we saw lots of fantastic things. We were able to have a tour around the facilities and talk about all the different parts of the aircraft and how they are able to fly. We learnt how the red arrows make the different colours in the sky and how engineers make sure the aircraft are safe to fly. Once in the classroom we learnt more about what things need to fly and the history of flight. We then had a go at making our own flying objects which was lots of fun!
This week in maths we have been working with money. We created table shops with different items we would like to buy. We used different coins to create different amounts and using counting on even found the right change!
Design & Technology
This week because we were looking at flying magical carpets we decided we would like to make our own carpets using different materials. We designed a repeating pattern for our carpets and chose the different materials we would like to use. Once we had completed our weaving we wrote an evaluation saying what we think worked well and what changes we would like to make to improve it further.
ICT Programming
With a little help from our computer expert Josh this week we programmed a dinosaur to move in a range of different ways. We used different commands to create different patterns, we followed instructions and then had a go at making our own set of instructions for others to follow. It was great fun making Daisy shrink and grow!
Week 4
Congratulations to Alice and Emma who received Friday mention certificates today for always following the school rules and for fantastic writing. Our good citizen award also went to Alice for showing kindness to other members of our school.
Birds of prey visit
We were very lucky to have a visit from Rushmore Park and four birds of prey this week. We learnt lots of information out about different owls and hawks. We couldn't believe that hawks can fly at over 100mph! Sydney the barn owl was a favourite amongst the class as she was quite nosey when the other birds were on display.
Week 3
Thank you to everyone who came to our Friday Mention assembly today. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! This weeks good citizen award went to Harrison for always following the school rules. Congratulations to Frankie and Maxwell for certificates for their fantastic singing, Riley for working really hard whilst daddy is away and the whole of Willow class so a superb acrostic poem. For those of you that couldn't make it please see a video clip of our great poem below.
During maths this week we have been concentrating on number bonds. We have been using addition and subtraction to create different amounts. We then wrote number sentences for our friends to solve with missing numbers.
We have created a fantastic fact book based on birds you might spot at school. This book is in the school foyer please come and have a look at our great writing.
This week we have been concentrating on poetry. We created word banks to help us write a poem and then used our senses to help us further. As a class we created a fantastic acrostic poem based on a trip in a hot air balloon. We are going to continue our poetry next week so please keep checking back for our work.
This week we have been investigating using different materials to create different effects. We decided to create our own hot air balloons and they are displayed in the corridor near our classroom. We had great fun making our pictures and finding out about the different materials.
Religious Education
This week in religious education we have been looking at our value of forgiveness. We used our acting skills to recreate different scenarios where we need to show forgiveness to others. Everyone worked really hard. Here is a video of Taylor - Jade and Harrison showing us forgiveness.
This week as part of our music lesson we were thinking of ways we could use musical instruments to recreate sounds that birds might make. We thought about the different noises they make which included calling to each other, walking on different things, scratching and eating. We really enjoyed using the different instruments and trying to create these different sounds.
Week 2
Congratulations to the whole of Willow class for receiving a Friday mention certificate today. We have all had a great week and have worked really hard in all areas. Our good citizen award went to Tilly - Sue for always following the school rules.
This week in maths we have been looking at fractions. We have been find halves and quarters of lots of different things. We began the week using shapes. We found halves and quarters of paper shapes by folding them into equal pieces. We then moved on to looking at quarters and halves of amounts. Finally we looked at lengths and used pieces of string to help us measure different things.
This week we continued our work on our bird fact files. We thought of questions that would help us find interesting facts. We then used the I pads and fact books to find the answers to our questions. Once we had lots of facts we thought about how we would like to present them. We decided to have pictures and writing on our fact files. We wrote a first draft and then edited our work thinking carefully about starting our sentences in different ways. We have decided to put all of our fact files into a book which other children in school can use to help spot different birds.
As part of our work on birds we decided that we would like to go into the school grounds and see which birds we could spot. We thought carefully about the different marks birds have and how they would help us to identify the different types. We were very lucky that the sun was shining and we were able to spend sometime in the outdoor classroom. We didn't see as many birds as we were hoping for but it was great fun!
We were very lucky this week to have some special guests in our class. Mr Kennedy brought his pet budgies into school for us to observe for the day. The birds were very well behaved and it was great fun to have them in the class. We used them as our subject for our pencil sketches.
We would like to say a big thank you to Mr Burr for coming into school on Thursday afternoon. Mr Burr brought a special scope which allowed us to see into the trees and see the birds in finer detail. It was a great opportunity to find out some more information about birds and we all really enjoyed it!
What a busy first week back we have had! Well done to Shane and Maxwell who received Friday mentions for great science work and super home learning. Our good citizen award has gone to Isabel for her kind and helpful attitude.
This week in maths we have been using directions and different positional movements. We practised our left and right and then moved on to sequences using forwards, backwards, left, right and different turns. We added computing into our work by programming Beebots to reach different destinations and to finish the week created our own maps and directions for others to follow.
We have began our come fly with me topic looking at different birds. We decided that we would like to make a special bird fact book for Maple class so they can find out about the different birds they see in their outdoor classroom. We decided that we would like to find out about robins, barn owls, blackbirds and pheasants. We set to work writing down things that we already knew and then created some questions of things we would like to find out. Please check this page next week to see what interesting facts we have discovered.
Physical Education
To begin our bat and ball topic we practiced our throwing and catching skills. We began with bean bags and then moved on to different sized balls. We worked in partners and set a challenge of 20 throws without any drops. It was tricky but some of us managed it.
Home learning
A big thank you to all children and parents who created some fantastic pieces of home learning over the Easter break. It is great to see so many pieces of interesting work and the children love sharing them with the rest of the class.