Home Page

Pine Year 5 and Year 6

Welcome to Pine Class

Welcome to our Pine Class page. Mrs Kaynes teaches our class on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and Mrs Addison teaches on Wednesdays. We are also supported by Mrs Wilson and Mrs Bates.


Please check back from time to time to see what we have been learning in class.

Our school Value this term is COURAGE. In collective worship we will be focusing on the importance of having COURAGE to try new things, move on to new schools and make the right decisions.


This term we have decided to start having Year 6 prefects. These will change each big term and the past prefects will help choose the next ones.

Our current prefects are:




Prefects at Holy Trinity have a good attitude to learning. They work hard, have good manners and display our school Values of:

  • Friendship
  • Trust
  • Hope
  • Respect
  • Thankfulness
  • Courage.


They support the staff and their peers through setting high standards of behavior and being good role models.



  1. To ensure the hall is set up properly for Collective Worship.
  2. To welcome classes into Collective worship, daily, giving polite reminders about how they should enter the hall.
  3. To stand by the doors as children leave the hall, to see classes and staff out.
  4. At lunch times to help children enter the hall quietly at both sittings and give reminders about lining up at the end of break and lunchtimes.
  5. To show prospective parents and visitors around the school.
  6. To represent the school at key events.