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Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy


At Holy Trinity CE Primary School we are committed to ensuring that every child in our care is able to work in a safe and caring environment.

Staff are trained to recognise any Child Protection issues and report to the named person at school. Mrs  Liley is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and  Mrs Kaynes, Miss Wise and  Mrs Brown are  Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads and all  have received enhanced training.
Mrs Simons is the named Local Councillor responsible for monitoring all safeguarding procedures and reporting back to the Local Council.

We take our safeguarding role very seriously and at times invite outside agencies in to provide the children with advice and to train staff.

We follow up all incidences of bullying reported to us, in line with our Anti Bullying policy, and parents are involved if the issues are  serious.

All staff and volunteers must have a DBS check before they are permitted to work with our pupils.


Please  visit the E SAFETY tab for further guidance.





Please find below a message for families from the Lincolnshire Police Prevent Team.
