Week beginning: 30.03.2020
Welcome to Week 2 of Home Learning!
Just on a side note, I am honestly blown away by your response to this. It has made me smile constantly seeing all the children with smiles on their faces and some of the amazing things you have all been up to.
Please do not feel pressured to complete EVERYTHING I put on here. I am not keeping tabs on what everyone has done, nor am I expecting everything to be completed. This is a very strange situation for children to come to terms with. Do not put pressure on yourselves to recreate 'school' at home. We want you to be parents, not teachers. Use these resources, pick and choose what you think is best for your child at that time, but the most important thing is you being there for your child and spending quality time with them to support them through this strange time.
Please keep updating me with any activities you get up to at home using the Blog, Dojo, email or Twitter. I am missing you all so much and it is wonderful to see some of the amazing things you have all been up to!
Mrs Brown x
Please find attached below some reading activities for the different Guided Reading groups. Children know which group they are in to choose the appropriate activities. Answers are also attached for you!
Don't forget to complete a book review for any books you read. You can still access Scholastic to complete quizzes for your books on school days between 9am - 3pm.
David Walliams is also reading extracts from his book 'World's Worst Children.' I've popped the link below!
I've also signed all the children up to Epic Reads. Children can download the Epic! App and there is a wide selection of books to read electronically.
To log in:
1. Select “Have an account? Log In” then click “Students & Educators”
2. Log in with our class code: qit5014
3. Select their name and they're in!
Please see the plan and tasks for English below. This is continued from the work they completed last week, so if you didn't finish any of the tasks from last week, that might be a good place to start first!
See below the plan for Maths this week, including lots of activities linked to Perimeter and Area.
Read the plan first, and this will support you in providing support for the children during the activities.
This term, the children's RE topic has been Hinduism in the Community. The tasks listed below are to support the children in learning about two Hindu festivals and how they are celebrated in Hindu communities.
Diwali Reading Comprehension
Children in Dahl, Rowling and Morpurgo need to complete the tasks with 3 stars at the bottom of the page.
Children in Milne and Simon need to complete the tasks with 2 stars at the bottom of the page.
Children in Project Code X need to complete the tasks with 1 star at the bottom of the page.
There is a short piece of text about Diwali and then some questions to answer.
Answers are also included.
Word of the Week!
Children to use their exercise book like the vocabulary book we use in school for this task.
The words are all from our class read, The House with Chicken Legs, which I am reading to the children chapter by chapter on Dojo Stories.
Group 1, 2 and 3's spellings this week are around the use of the apostrophe. Children will need to recognise where to use a singular apostrophe and where to use a plural apostrophe.
Mrs Bates/Mrs Hockley/Mrs Simons Group, see below.
Mrs Bates/Mrs Hockley/Mrs Simons Group
Attached below are some fun light activities to finish off our topic! Have a go at setting up the investigation, and remember to take lots of pictures! Think about how you could record your results in your exercise books!